Katie terk they/them · @Katieterk2002
32 followers · 148 posts · Server neurodifferent.me
YeloVelo :VeloSunny: · @Velo
19 followers · 10 posts · Server mastodon.moule.world
Petrina Binney · @petrinabinney
29 followers · 47 posts · Server mas.to

If you want to help out you can come drop a comment in support of trans people in the LGBTQIA+ thread, since all the cis people have decided that we're ruining their fun, even though no one is stopping them from talking about fun things or another topic.


They're just continuing the tone policing and pretending that asking to be shown bare minimum respect is being "divisive" and "causing conflict for no reason" and all kinds of other bullshit.

#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #trans #nonbinar #nonbinarypride #pridemonth #wrathmonth

Last updated 1 year ago

Very very very obnoxious when people state that "women and femmes" are the only ones that need to be protected from, or are impacted by, misogyny.

Like you clearly just have no actual clue what you're talking about and have never spoken to nonbinary people or trans men in your life :blobfacepalm:

#misogyny #transfeminism #intersectionalfeminism #transpride #nonbinarypride

Last updated 1 year ago

f you're not cognitively disabled and you think neopronouns are difficult to use I promise you you literally just have to practice.

You are not going to instantly learn how to re-aply grammar rules you've probably never had to think about before to new words, and no one expects you to. You'll have to practice, just like with any new thing.

If you put in the effort to practice, you will eventually start using neopronouns, even new sets you've never heard before, like it's second nature.

#neopronouns #transpride #nonbinarypride #trans #nonbinary #transgender #pronounpins

Last updated 1 year ago

Still no response back from the CAOS.

I guess I'll just keep making memes.

#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride

Last updated 1 year ago

Anyways I do have a threadless store and if you ever want pronoun pin designs, let me know :) they files will always be free to download and use however you want, including printing and making your own buttons if you have the resources!

Mostly I make pronoun pins, but I also do disability pins and sometimes actual art lol.


#pronounpins #transpride #nonbinarypride #trans #nonbinary #queerart

Last updated 1 year ago

Anyways I made a survey for iNaturalist users to take and share their feelings about the staff's reactions in the forum. Email is required only to prevent spam, all answers will be anonymous.

Let me know if you think there's any other questions I should add.

I encourage you to share the link on other social medias, as long as the people taking it use iNaturalist (including if they've just joined, but no random people who are never going to use it)


When it gets at least 20 responses I'll email the results to the CAOS

#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #queerpride #nonbinarypride

Last updated 1 year ago

Yvonne Aburrow 🌻 · @vogelbeere
872 followers · 1834 posts · Server nerdculture.de

I'm now encouraging people to leave a 1 star review for the iNaturalist app, explaining that the staff are transmsic and would rather literally ban trans users and tell us that if we don't want to be misgendered, we can find another forum, than actually support us and do the bare minimum of removing exacltly two posts purposefully misgendering a trans user!


#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #solidarity #queer #pride #pridemonth #wrathmonth #transpride #nonbinarypride

Last updated 1 year ago

So our Extremely Christianâ„¢ neighbor who's never heard of Pokemon Go who just heard the word "transgender" and "nonbinary" for the first time today is more accepting of trans people than the iNaturalist staff who literally get paid to be inclusive lol

#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride #queerpride #queer #transmisia

Last updated 1 year ago

Added this to my iNat profile (inaturalist.org/people/4014802) with the relevant links:

If you appreciate my pawpaw identification guide and IDs I've made for your observations, and you support trans and nonbinary people, want to do me, and all other trans people on iNaturalist for a favor?

The iNaturalist forum staff are currently being transmisic and supporting misgendering, right before Pride month starts, and contiue to double down and defend their bigotry despite multiple trans and ally users coming forward to correct it.

So if you care about trans people, and you're grateful to me in particular for helping identify things, come and tell them what you think of this, since I am being misgendered and the staff are doing nothing to help me.

#inaturalist #transpride #nonbinarypride #pride #queer

Last updated 1 year ago

Anyways even just flagging Sedgequeen's posts where she announces she's going to misgender me can help a lot:


Oh NVM lol they literally made it so you can't flag her second comment. So they're literally not letting people tell them this is wrong.


#inaturalist #transpride #nonbinarypride #trans

Last updated 1 year ago

More of the memes I made in response to the iNaturalist staff/mods being transmisic.

#inaturalist #memes #transpride #nonbinarypride #misgendering #transmisia

Last updated 1 year ago

And iNaturalist staff once again sweeping the problem under the rug by moving the posts out of the main thread even though I explicitly said "do not hide this from people you are literally just making it worse"

#inaturalist #transpride #nonbinarypride #transmisia

Last updated 1 year ago

I've been saving the now 2 iNaturalist threads to the wayback machine with each new post, so if they decide to throw a fit and delete everything we'll still have proof.

Original LGBTQIA+ thread where the misgendering starts: forum.inaturalist.org/t/lgbtqi

New thread to "discuss" the moderation issues, which is still just transmisia, tone policing, and bad-faith arguments on the part of the staff: forum.inaturalist.org/t/modera

#inaturalist #transpride #nonbinarypride #ititspronouns #itpride

Last updated 1 year ago

Ri2K · @RiRiK
5 followers · 47 posts · Server poweredbygay.social

Felt like I hadn't shown my pride in a while, so I did! Yellow/gold eye shadow purple lips, enby pride dress, and my best score since March!

#bowling #makeup #transgender #nonbinary #nonbinarypride #transgenderpride #transisbeautiful

Last updated 1 year ago

Mrs_Tikkanen · @Mrs_Tikkanen
15 followers · 80 posts · Server mastodon.world
I. L. Villiam · @Drude
57 followers · 438 posts · Server norden.social

Mein Kind sagt über sich selbst manchmal, dass es "nur [Name]" ist. (Wenn es z. B. darum geht, als was es sich zu Fasching verkleiden möchte, aber auch zu allen anderen Fragen, die lose mit Identität zu tun haben.)

Ich würde das für mich gern als genderneutrale Anrede statt Herr/Frau benutzen, in der Schreibweise "Nurr", weil es dann auch vier Buchstaben hat und sich von "nur" abgrenzt.

Also, wer mich formal ansprechen möchte, kann gern "Guten Tag, Nurr Villiam" sagen.


Last updated 2 years ago