Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1474 followers · 106397 posts · Server

@lethalbit Yeah, the situation is bad.

Sadly @EU_Commission basically allowed to monopolize and that made them discontinue as and espechally the license which was basically the full suite for €125 but restricted to no commercial use.

I still hate myself for not having bought that over a decade ago...

#hobbyist #noncommercial #onetimepurchase #Eagle #Software #engineering #autodesk

Last updated 1 year ago

Elly van Amstel · @EllyvA
39 followers · 158 posts · Server

Even een recap: Gisteren naar het geweest in mijn eerste nieuwe jurkje sinds jaren van en legging van Sandalen er onder van

#noncommercial #myfitnesspal #weightloss #rubensvrouw #ootd #pakkievandedag #durea #msmode #bonprix #vangoghmuseum

Last updated 1 year ago

Crunchysteve · @crunchysteve
58 followers · 883 posts · Server

Last week, I got a visual prototype together of how a drumming robot should wield a stick. FROM THE WRIST! Most drumbots just pull the stick down to "deadhit" the skin. There's a lot of work to do on that part of this project, but meanwhile, there's also some basic electronics to prove the concept.

A drumbot needs a motor to flick the stick, then pull the stick quickly, but gently, back to rest and hold it there. It also needs to read MIDI note velocity and map that to the motor's useful powerband. Finally, the motor has to quickly and quietly restore the stick to its ready position.

All this requires complex motor control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to be exact, and a microcontroller to read the MIDI Note-On data and have each part of drumbot respond appropriately.

Circuitry and basic code are proven. I'll probably end up blowing up 4, VERY expensive MOSFETs in my first attempt, but hey, we're on this earth to make mistakes, and thereby make the future. This is not a cheap project, either, and is third in my project queue, so it will take some time.

Video of the circuit simulation:-
Read more here: -

As always, if you use my work, credit me, share your work under the same terms I shared mine and make no commercial profits from my work as per CC4.0-A-SA-NC

#music #musictech #creativecommons #sharealike #withattribution #noncommercial #arduino #batmanmeme

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1017 followers · 62616 posts · Server

@chrisg @aral *nodds in agreement.

I'm convinced we'll see more -only + Commercial dual-licenses in the future that basically offer a product for everyone to use and install as well as a commercially supported and maintained version.

Kinda like @collabora @CollaboraOffice & @nextcloud / work...

#NextCloud #OpenSource #FLOSS #noncommercial

Last updated 1 year ago

christina d-h · @inquiline
2635 followers · 3668 posts · Server

Anyway I know no better for context on how this happened than @victorpickard's research on the history of our system, as well as new models to revive it:

And here's a plug for a little-known classic (my 1st book, lol), if you're interested in activists taking matters into their own hands and seeding the countryside with tiny, stations:

#media #noncommercial #radio

Last updated 2 years ago

Robin DeRosa · @actualham
1534 followers · 722 posts · Server
· @Wuzzy
211 followers · 359 posts · Server

Let's not delude ourselves that is a pro-free-culture movement. Otherwise, they would have dropped and ages ago, but they still refuse to. It's just a crappy compromise with copyright maximalists. Especially NoDerivatives, which explicitly forbids remixes, is clearly an affront to the idea of free culture that I cannot fathom they still endorse it.

#creativecommons #noncommercial #noderivatives #copyright

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Wuzzy
211 followers · 358 posts · Server

If you ever see a work with the "" clause, RUN. Don't touch it with a 10-foot pole, even if you don't intend to make any money with it. If you read the fineprint, you will see how broadly the term " use" can be used and people already have stumbled over this.

I always treat NC works as works that are under full restrictions.

Of course, if you have a special permission from the copyright holder (on top of license), things can be different

#creativecommons #noncommercial #commercial #copyright

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
652 followers · 26611 posts · Server

@kid37 leider nur - Lizenz...

Also nichtmals monetarisierte YouTube-Videos...


Last updated 2 years ago

n8chz ⒶⒺ · @n8chz
675 followers · 3755 posts · Server

@mfioretti_en The commercial media will never perceive solutions as a possibility.


Last updated 2 years ago

Aral Balkan · @aral
32106 followers · 22414 posts · Server

Thanks to @mikarv for reminding me (see, I just added the following license to my bio on my Mastodon site.

Please feel free to copy/adapt/use if you like:

My posts are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (

#sharealike #noncommercial #attribution #creativecommons #commons #consent #scraping #licensing #copyright #content #mastodon #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

hobs · @hobs
408 followers · 762 posts · Server

@gilduran Sorry. That stinks.
If the ( and ) continues to support normal human instincts, it might be stable for many many years. It's worked for Wikipedia, StackExchange. survived several growth spurts over the past 5 yr. Even survived a hostile takeover attempt by Truth.Social. Even if some developers and lose , -centric focus, other supercooperators step in and fedi-up

#human #noncommercial #admins #fedies #prosocial #affordances #ui #algorithms #mechanismdesign

Last updated 2 years ago

Kai Chang · @VancityKai
171 followers · 230 posts · Server

I think there's plenty of room on both for people whose livelihoods/careers/side-hustles depend on social media, and those of us whose interests here are entirely . Both are legitimate, rifts can surely be worked out to satisfy all parties. Doesn't have to be winner-take-all, that's part of the beauty of federation. I think clusters of super-federated server will emerge to serve various interest groups, but for now and curating one's own feed remain core.

#mastodon #noncommercial #hashtags

Last updated 2 years ago

Flatbush Gardener 🌈 · @xris
305 followers · 2431 posts · Server

I recently changed the on all my to CC-BY-NC: Attribution . Although my observations have been licensed that way, for import into scientific databases such as @gbif and , my photo licenses were inconsistent, depending on how I had brought them into iNat.

So, if you're looking for a photo for a non-commercial use, be sure to check out iNat.

#license #inaturalist #photos #creativecommons #noncommercial #globi #macro #insects #biology #ecology

Last updated 2 years ago

christina d-h · @inquiline
1813 followers · 738 posts · Server

INCIDENTALLY, this is why I ❤️ teaching about (& maintain that writing my 1st book about low-power FM activism in a time of breathless internet hype was not a delusional thing to do). My students mostly don't know much about , especially community & forms, but it doesn't take long for them to grasp contrast w how internet we mostly use wound up--small, decentralized, user-controlled spaces start to click for them. Powerful metaphor!

#communityradio #radio #noncommercial

Last updated 2 years ago

Ingrid Hoeben Ⓥ 🇧🇪 · @IngridHbn
727 followers · 2360 posts · Server
Flatbush Gardener 🌈 · @xris
183 followers · 1686 posts · Server

All my Flickr photos - including the one with my father on his deathbed - are now "All Rights Reserved". I had to change that over a decade ago after numerous abuses of the clause of the .

I used 's "Reach out to us" link at the bottom of their article to ask them to link back to the , as had done in 2009. It's the weekend, and I don't expect to hear back from them until Monday, at the earliest.

#noncommercial #creativecommons #license #wamu #flickr #photo #wbur

Last updated 2 years ago

Flatbush Gardener 🌈 · @xris
181 followers · 1681 posts · Server

This was not the first time this was published.

In 2009, - 's station - used it to illustrate "From Pain to Palliative Care", a segment in a series on care in the U.S.

At the time, I had licensed all my photos as CC-BY-NC-ND: . Their use was compliant, and they notified me about it.

#photo #wbur #boston #publicradio #endoflife #flickr #creativecommons #attribution #noncommercial #nonderivative #photography #Hospice #PalliativeCare

Last updated 2 years ago

DaN McKee · @Authenticdmckee
487 followers · 354 posts · Server

You know what’s really nice on here? Celebrities not telling you how delighted they are to be teaming up with [INSERT SPONSOR HERE] and how they can’t wait to show us [INSERT LATEST PRODUCT HERE].
They’re not delighted, and they’re not excited. They’re paid. And they get paid more by leveraging the trust of their fan-base and exploiting our enjoyment of them into personal commercial gain.

#commercial #sponsor #advertising #noncommercial #fediverse #celebrities #productplacement #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

estranho · @estranho
6 followers · 82 posts · Server

@tech_noir I'm curious why people would flee one privately owned social media company () to go to another privately owned social media company (). It seems like this is the perfect chance to move over to options for social media.

#noncommercial #hive #birdsite

Last updated 2 years ago