ctproduced · @ctproduced
48 followers · 225 posts · Server jazztodon.com

On This Day: “Bird Lives!”
The lullaby of Bird lingers lovingly on

by Greg Murphy, published in the Liverpool Daily Post, Saturday August 29th, 1970

While searching through an archive looking for some details on the Creed Taylor, CTI Rhythmstick project, I found this UK Newspaper clipping. The 1990 version of the CTI All-Stars covered Parker's "Barbados" on their album and video. Also included here is a li

#nonct #charlieparker

Last updated 1 year ago

ctproduced · @ctproduced
47 followers · 217 posts · Server jazztodon.com

Black Rhythm Revolution!
Not that this album would have been included, but I need to get back and update the reissue list, there have been five or six reissues of Taylor-produced albums since the last update. However, I thought it worth getting out in front of this one. If you don't have an original release or one of the numerous reissues on vinyl or CD, Idris Muhammad's first leader album "B

#nonct #fatsdomino #idrismuhammad #leomorris

Last updated 1 year ago