... mensonges d'État ou tactiques de com' : choisissez vos camps camarades ?
Comme tu dis @FreeGidi
la Vérité c'est une recherche relative et aucun #media - pas même l'œil - n'est complètement fiable à l'époque du Grand Mensonge, du supercomplot bienveillant, de la vieillesse du basilic de Roko et des anticomplots compliqués
#information #desinformation #propagande #intention #communication #nondual #realite #fiction
#media #information #Desinformation #propagande #intention #communication #nondual #realite #fiction
I often write articles that I myself want to re-read frequently.
Today I wrote a collection of short pointers and exercises for those interested in meditation, finding mental peace/clarity and non-dualism.
I intend to keep updating this page in future (and perhaps write a book about it eventually... stay tuned).
I hope it helps you find peace as much as it helps me 🙏
#meditation #mindfulness #nondual #nondualism #awareness #consciousness #spirituality
#meditation #mindfulness #nondual #nondualism #awareness #consciousness #spirituality
#spiritual My Medium article about our One Garden seminars - https://medium.com/@DrRogerEPrentice/one-spiritual-garden-acff76113777
#spiritual #nondual #teachandlearn #self #arts
Die Aussage " Du bist was du isst " haben wohl die meisten von uns bereits 1 mal konsumiert.
Vor kurzem bin ich auf die Aussage " Du bist was du suchst " aufmerksam geworden und ich empfinde volle Zustimmung.
Daher biete ich dieser Aussage eine Bühne https://rainerroessler.de/blog/emotionen-persoenlichkeit/du-bist-was-du-suchst-rainers-erfahrung/
#mindset #nondual #spiraldynamics
RT @RupertSpira@twitter.com
What Is Emptiness? #rupertspira #advaita #nonduality #spirituality #awakening #enlightenment #meditation #nondual #vedanta #consciousness #awareness #emptiness
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RupertSpira/status/1617109312375062528
#RupertSpira #advaita #nonduality #spirituality #awakening #enlightenment #meditation #nondual #vedanta #consciousness #awareness #emptiness
@baddadda @jpthuot03 @Woodchaz
Lol, for sure. I am intimately aware of southern evangelical pentecostal Christianity, modern liberal Catholicism and I've immersed myself in everything eastern for the last few years. I'm pretty comfortable with blurred lines and like taoist philosophy without the religion.
I believe the current existential threat is Christofascism or Christian Nationalism. I can hold all of that and still consider myself a Taoist Christian mystic contemplative. #nondual
Time for another #Introduction.
Hoping with practice I’ll feel less awkward.
American living near #Louisville Kentucky, home of #KFC. Grew up there when Dad was Colonel Sander’s head of #PublicRelations and #Franchising, Dad helped launch the first wave of Ky Fried Chicken stores in the UK and #Japan.
I’ve practiced #NonDual #Meditation for 40 years, heavily influenced by #SiddhaYoga, #Muktananda, #Nisargadatta, #SalkyKempton and #RupertSpira.
There’s a good chance I’m #ActuallyAutistic.
#introduction #louisville #kfc #publicrelations #franchising #japan #nondual #meditation #siddhayoga #muktananda #nisargadatta #salkykempton #rupertspira #actuallyautistic
Third Patriarch of Zen
One thing, all things, move among and intermingle without distinction.
To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection.
To live in this faith is the road to non-duality, because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind.
#chinese #zen #tao #philosophy #books #nondual
Third Patriarch of Zen
One thing, all things, move among and intermingle without distinction.
To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection.
To live in this faith is the road to non-duality, because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind.
#chinese #zen #tao #philosophy #books #nondual
cultivate #leisure and #nondual #nonchalance
#nonchalance #nondual #leisure
cultivate #leisure and #nondual #nonchalance
#nonchalance #nondual #leisure
cultivate #leisure and #nondual #nonchalance
#nonchalance #nondual #leisure
“Now, here’s the problem, you see, that there are certain processes whereby one comes to see very clearly indeed that black goes with white and self goes with other. And as this becomes clear to you, it’s rather shaking. Because, look, if what you define as you is inseparable from everything - what you define as not you - just as front is inseparable from back, then you realize that deep down between self and other, there is some sort of conspiracy.”
Finding out WHO YOU ARE is not about being more, doing more, having more, manifesting more, creating more, being the best you can be, finding out your imagined mission or purpose in life, or having financial success.
Finding out WHO YOU ARE is the realization that everything is made of the same substance, and YOU ARE THAT ONE SUBSTANCE.
-- Stephen Wolinsky - Beginner's Guide to Quantum Psychology
#psychology #nondual #nonduality
Back to the Pool where Odo went,
That's where I'll be when my concepts are spent.
Back to the Pool where Odo went,
That's where I'll be when my concepts are spent.
It's that time of year when I get reflective and think about what worked and didn't work over the past year. Two things that contributed enormously to my well being and had the biggest ROI:
1) taking a new job that I love, where I feel supported and valued, and where I feel in sync with the corporate values and culture
2) working with a #nonDual healer, taking a #nonDuality intro course, and participating in a #nonDuality weekly circle
Lots of goodness spiralling out from those two points
It's that time of year when I get reflective and think about what worked and didn't work over the past year. Two things that contributed enormously to my well being and had the biggest ROI:
1) taking a new job that I love, where I feel supported and valued, and where I feel in sync with the corporate values and culture
2) working with a #nonDual healer, taking a #nonDuality intro course, and participating in a #nonDuality weekly circle
Lots of goodness spiralling out from those two points