Those percentages seem in line with the blanket #NEI adder some states use in their #CostEffectiveness calcs. And this only includes public health impacts from emissions - there are lots more #NonEnergyImpacts (Full transparency - I used 2021 retail rates rather than 2023 because I think COBRA was last updated in 2020. The rates are much higher now.)
#nei #costeffectiveness #nonenergyimpacts
The monetized health impacts for a 5% reduction seemed low. But I did the math and it looks like it comes out to about $0.005 to $0.010 per kWh. Assuming the average MA retail rate of $0.19/kWh, this comes out to 2-5% (and it would be a higher percentage if we were looking at just avoided costs not retail rates). #EnergyEfficiency #NonEnergyImpacts
#energyefficiency #nonenergyimpacts
How are the public health #NonEnergyImpacts of #EnergyEfficiency estimated? It was fun to dig into the models to try to figure it out! Please check out my latest post to learn more.
#nonenergyimpacts #energyefficiency