Summarizing the presentation "A call for political representation of nonhuman animals - from the perspective of political theory" by Sara Alli Majid Abad at International Animal Rights Conference 2023:
Nonhuman animals can embody their desires, needs and wants. However, their interests are broadly ignored as we currently interpret knowledge from a limited human perspective.
#representation #nonhumananimals #iarc
Yes, we are dying, killing ourselves in fact.
But it isn't just ourselves we're killing. We are in another mass extinction event--we're taking a lot of nonhuman animals, who had absolutely no say in the destruction of our ecosystem, with us.
#climatecrisis #massextinction #nonhumananimals
What and How can we learn from #NonhumanAnimals in the #MedicalHumanities? 📢The website for our recently launched network (NAMHN) funded by @wellcometrust @NNMHRmed is now live! 👀 Visit us at to know how to get involved 🐸
#nonhumananimals #MedicalHumanities
@RamenCatholic "Does #Humanity have a responsibility to guide the #evolution of #NonHumanAnimals with #NearHuman attributes?"
Absolutely not, and furthermore I don't think we have any right to do so.
"which, if any, animals do you think deserve to be protected with a #Personhood -like status?"
I think we should start from the assumption that all of them do.
#humanity #evolution #nonhumananimals #nearhuman #personhood
Does #Humanity have a responsibility to guide the #evolution of #NonHumanAnimals with #NearHuman attributes?
What combination of attributes define #Personhood ? #language #ToolUse #Sapience #Culture #RespectForTheDead #etc
#WTF is going on with #fungi #mushrooms - are they really the #MissingLink between #Animals and #Plants ? Do #Mycellium networks have #Sentience (are they #brains ?)!?!?
#JoinIn #reblog #retoot
#philosophy #religion #anthropology #sociology
#questionsthatkeepmeup #humanity #evolution #nonhumananimals #nearhuman #personhood #language #tooluse #sapience #culture #respectforthedead #etc #wtf #fungi #mushrooms #MissingLink #animals #plants #mycellium #sentience #brains #joinin #reblog #retoot #philosophy #religion #anthropology #sociology
There should be a principle of interspecies observation that there is some kind of epistemic veil that renders it hard to guess whether animals are playing or fighting. I'm watching birds out my back window and they're chasing each other. It is fierce and persistent. But it could be play! I can't tell! Similarly with dogs at the park where I'm regularly mistaking play for antagonistic or fighting behaviour. #play #fight #NonhumanAnimals #behaviourism
#play #fight #nonhumananimals #behaviourism
Huch! Die Person, von der ich was voll Tolles übers Kleinanzeigen Portal geliefert bekam, verkauft jetzt auch Käfige. Nicht Kleintier-, sondern so wieder anders schlimm Dings...☹️ Hoff sie is Wildtierpflegerin oder sowas... 🙈
#GoVegan #animalrights #nonhumananimals