Catfish · @TheCatfish
2 followers · 4 posts · Server

(god I'm bad at this trend, anyway) continued

- Have been for around 10 years

- A passing interest, don't think I'll ever make anything but I like to know the nuts and bolts behind everything

Other passing interests:

Likely to reply to this in future with added things I forgot, or extra tags I want to see.

Hello 💖

#intro #polyamorous #nonmonogamous #gamedev #cats #frogs #magic #goblin #moss #sea #audiodrama

Last updated 1 year ago

Nicole · @orangegoldgreen
147 followers · 74 posts · Server

After nearly two decades of questioning my orientation(s) without really reaching any conclusions, I'm tempted to screw labels all together and just say I'm ISO my own spaceship crew.

#queer #aromantic #aro #LGBTQ #LGBT #agender #nonmonogamous #enm #polyamory #relationshipanarchy #SciFi #serenity #firefly #TheExpanse #quoiromantic #foundfamily #bi #bisexual #questioning

Last updated 1 year ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
27 followers · 1022 posts · Server

The first sincere encounter we had on our quest to turn me into the 21st century embodiment of the whore of Babylon ended up being with Mr. Martini. And it happened by accident.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
24 followers · 1030 posts · Server

The first sincere encounter we had on our quest to turn me into the 21st century embodiment of the whore of Babylon ended up being with Mr. Martini. And it happened by accident.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
27 followers · 1021 posts · Server

The night immediately after we setup our profile & started receiving messages, we went through and began the process of trying to find someone who’d be fun for a first. Someone easy who maybe was as new to this as we were.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
24 followers · 1030 posts · Server

The night immediately after we setup our profile & started receiving messages, we went through and began the process of trying to find someone who’d be fun for a first. Someone easy who maybe was as new to this as we were.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
26 followers · 1020 posts · Server

....I dove into the depths of the internet researching/signing up for these sites he’d found in the weeks he had be mulling over whether or not to approach me with this offer of debauchery.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
24 followers · 1030 posts · Server

....I dove into the depths of the internet researching/signing up for these sites he’d found in the weeks he had be mulling over whether or not to approach me with this offer of debauchery.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
23 followers · 1019 posts · Server
fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
24 followers · 1030 posts · Server

I’m never sure how to start this part. Every encounter we’ve had so far is amazingly easy to sum up, but the start of it all always feel like I’m trying to type it out with fingers made of chewed bubblegum.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago

fondaisferal ✨ feral slut · @fondaisferal
24 followers · 1030 posts · Server

I’m never sure how to start this part. Every encounter we’ve had so far is amazingly easy to sum up, but the start of it all always feel like I’m trying to type it out with fingers made of chewed bubblegum.


#kinklifestyle #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy #openrelationship #sexuality #blogger #NSFW #blogpost

Last updated 2 years ago · @knizer
99 followers · 515 posts · Server

An anti-discrimination ordinance for families with non-traditional structures (e.g. multi-parent/partner and and ) passed in

#polyamorous #nonmonogamous #SomervilleMA

Last updated 2 years ago

Always happy to come across other relationship anarchists! 💗

#RelationshipAnarchist #polyamorous #nonmonogamous

Last updated 2 years ago

Answering my own poll: Despite being married and , I have most orgasms by myself by my own hand. I just have a really high sex drive plus masturbating is my best sleep aid.

#nonmonogamous #sex #selflove

Last updated 2 years ago

William Wallace · @sexpolykink
107 followers · 691 posts · Server

OMG!! I really need to get laid. I just woke up from a dream where I was being intimate with a woman who I can say with confidence would never be with anyone other than her husband. I'm not even sure how I found myself in that position in the first place I do not know

#blowjob #cheating #nonmonogamous

Last updated 2 years ago

A little more about me. I'm short, white person with long dark hair, kinda androgynous but usually with a little bit of facial hair. I'm married ( they/she). We recently started being again after years of pandemic monogamy. We only date separately. I'm now Daddy to a woman I met recently (she/her) and just started seeing a couple also (both she/her).

#nonbinary #nonmonogamous #ddlg #kink #nonmonogamy #lgbtqia #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
649 followers · 1810 posts · Server

We got these because we wanted something that was meaningful to us. We'd seen plane signifying , and Greg is a bit of a space geek.. so a rocket/planet piece seemed like a fun riff on that.

We decided I'd have the planet because one of the incredibly romantic and loving things he does is, after not seeing each other for 6 months (3 years during covid), and we finally get to have sex again, is he always makes a comment about finally being home again.. and I like the idea that he finds 'home' when he's with me. Especially being , it would be easy to feel like his home with his wife is more than his home with me.. but it's not. We're both home.

I also feel that the rocket/planet thing fits with , because you can have more than one rocket visiting a planet, and more than one planet visited by a rocket.. it's not a 'you're my other half' type of image.

We wanted the pieces to link, but not be identical. We wanted it so that when we held hands they lined up together.

We wanted cutesy, and the whole fairy, unicorn, glitter, and rainbows vibe.

I think the artist (SamSparkels) hit the brief perfectly, and I absolutely love both pieces!

#tattoos #longdistancerelationships #nonmonogamous #nonmonogamy

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
400 followers · 871 posts · Server

I'm in a . I live in Australia & my partner lives in London.

We started dating in 2018, with plans to see each other in person every 6 months (he'd come here each June/July, & I'd go there each Dec/Jan). The long term plan was for me and my housemate to move to the UK around 2021 or so.

Then happened.

I flew back home from the UK on New Year's Eve 2019, Australia closed borders a couple of months after that. They stayed closed for a long time. There were a lot of moments over those years where I thought we'd never see each other again, bc I could imagine Australia keeping borders closed.

We didn't see each other for 883 days & every single one of those days I folded up a tiny paper heart, often crying over it, & popped it into this jar.

It helped me see that, while there are a LOT of hearts there, a lot of days that we missed out on. It didn't fill up the jar, they weren't crammed into the jar & weren't spilling out of the top.

This jar holds a containable and manageable amount of sadness.

He visited me in June. We got to spend 5 weeks together, but we couldn't make up for 883 days missed out. What we could do, instead of trying to chase that lost time, is put energy into the next 883 days, and the 883 after that.. and so on.

I gave him the jar of hearts and sadness to take back home with him, because when he looks at it he sees a jar of caring and love.

I'm visiting him in January.

#nonmonogamous #longdistance #relationship #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Hare · @Hare
79 followers · 353 posts · Server

Being solo-poly and stuck cohabitating is honestly Really shitty 😭

#nonmonogamous #did

Last updated 2 years ago