'Gaussian Processes with Errors in Variables: Theory and Computation', by Shuang Zhou, Debdeep Pati, Tianying Wang, Yun Yang, Raymond J. Carroll.
#bayesian #nonparametric #gaussian
#bayesian #nonparametric #gaussian
'Distributed Nonparametric Regression Imputation for Missing Response Problems with Large-scale Data', by Ruoyu Wang, Miaomiao Su, Qihua Wang.
#imputation #nonparametric #semiparametric
#imputation #nonparametric #semiparametric
'Convergence Rates of a Class of Multivariate Density Estimation Methods Based on Adaptive Partitioning', by Linxi Liu, Dangna Li, Wing Hung Wong.
#densities #density #nonparametric
#densities #density #nonparametric
'Bayesian Data Selection', by Eli N. Weinstein, Jeffrey W. Miller.
#nonparametric #stein #nonparametrically
#nonparametric #stein #nonparametrically
'Learning-augmented count-min sketches via Bayesian nonparametrics', by Emanuele Dolera, Stefano Favaro, Stefano Peluchetti.
#priors #nonparametrics #nonparametric
#priors #nonparametrics #nonparametric
New tutorial paper describing the use of a simple #NonParametric #statistics method for analysing #RepeatedMeasures data with a focus on individual-level results https://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00133
All data and #Rstats code needed to reproduce the analyses is available here https://osf.io/w32dk/
An #Rstats package which implements the method is available on CRAN https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=opa
The latest development version can be downloaded from githib https://github.com/timbeechey/opa
#rstats #RepeatedMeasures #statistics #nonparametric
RT @GirlMeetsStats@twitter.com
Presenting a blog post on jackknife resampling techniques! At the start of my PhD, I spent a lot of time thinking about pseudo-observations... now happy to compile my learnings on my blog Statisticelle! #statistics #nonparametric #resampling #jackknife
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GirlMeetsStats/status/1603837304849633280
#jackknife #resampling #nonparametric #statistics
A tutorial on #nonParametric #hypothesis tests with examples in #R.
#nonparametric #hypothesis #r #rstats #statistics #datascience #education
A little while back I wrote an #rstats package for #NonParametric analysis of #RepeatedMeasures data https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=opa using #ordinal pattern analysis.
A tutorial with #rstats code is available here: https://osf.io/w32dk/
#ordinal #RepeatedMeasures #nonparametric #rstats
Hello everyone out there in the fediverse!
I'm currently a Academy of Finland postdoctoral fellow at Aalto University working on probabilistic #machinelearning. Most of my interests are related to probabilistic #machinelearning methods that are flexible (#nonparametric), efficient (#tractable), and exact or come with guarantees (or a subset of thereof).
In my research, I work a lot with #JuliaLang and I'm always eager to learn new things.
Curious to see where this all goes.
#introduction #julialang #tractable #nonparametric #machinelearning