Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1446 followers · 4219 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Shannon Green · @shannongreen
33 followers · 335 posts · Server universeodon.com

The problem with is that most people think it is only what their physical body experiences and senses.

True reality is not perceivable through physicality, therefore the tends to not be recognized as reality.

Reality is your . Physical reality presents as your through consciousness. What presents physically is your body's response to what your consciousness communicates.

Unfortunately most people are not clearly connecting with their consciousness and live in their minds (another physical construct relaying messages into physicality).

Reality is different for every person and every creature, and without experiencing the different layers, one may never know the true of their own reality.

#reality #nonphysical #consciousness #perception #potential #illusion #compassion #connection #love

Last updated 2 years ago

TitusL108 · @TitusL108
0 followers · 1 posts · Server home.social