Jason Pramas announces the Alliance of Nonprofit News Outlets, "a network of nonprofit news organizations that work on collaborative projects and encourage funders to invest more money in local and regional nonprofit journalism." As a founding member, the Alameda Post celebrates the launch of this association!
#alameda #AlamedaPost #AllianceOfNonprofitNewsOutlets #anno #journalism #LocalNews #nonprofit #NonprofitNews #StrongerTogether
#alameda #alamedapost #allianceofnonprofitnewsoutlets #anno #Journalism #localnews #nonprofit #nonprofitnews #StrongerTogether
Support #PublicInterestMedia #NonprofitNews
#DemocracyWatchNews a new #501c3 #NPO is developing plans to scale up our coverage. We will add editors, production staff, & support independent correspondents to report on people, events, causes and organizations relevant to struggles to establish,support, and sustain healthy systems & institutions for #Democracy around the world.
Go to the new website: https://democracywatchnews.org/donations/
#publicinterestmedia #nonprofitnews #democracywatchnews #501c3 #NPO #Democracy
If you’d like to lead technology for the women-led newsroom that reports at the intersection of gender, politics, and policy, makes its journalism available under an open license, and has big open source plans — that role is open. One of the best teams I’ve ever worked with.
#jobs #hiring #news #journalism #gender #nonprofitnews
Thrilled you shared this info.🌻
We must support these “gems” of investigative & local news purveyor’s…
You’re right…this is exciting.
For me especially…I worked for an award-winning 📰 for 30+ yrs.
Before “Newhouse” shuttered it.
There’s a huge whole in our communities.
Local news staff were fixtures at HS sports, city hall, town council meetings.
They lived in our communities…had vested interest…ownership.
Large distant media org’s…don’t care.
#media #NonprofitNews #news
#DeepSouthToday, the parent organization of #MississippiToday and #VeriteNewsNola, is looking for a CEO to help realize it’s mission of enabling a robust local news ecosystem across the Deep South.
#deepsouthtoday #mississippitoday #veritenewsnola #localnews #nonprofitnews #news
#VeriteNews, a non-profit newsroom in #NOLA, is #hiring!
Anyone following me knows that they are a big part of my #LocalNews feed, so it will come as no surprise that I’m excited to see #NonProfitNews growing in #Louisiana. This is doubly true for organizations like Verite that seek to amplify the voices of the underrepresented!
Try to help expand their newsroom with a boost!
CC: @noladon
#veritenews #nola #hiring #localnews #nonprofitnews #Louisiana
This makes Devonte Lewis’ election to the #Louisiana Public Service Commission even more impressive. It’s also proof that there is a strong base of support in favor of proper oversight and regulation of utility companies and is one more piece of evidence of the #FossilFuel industry’s corrupting influence on our politics.
Another great story from the #LAIlluminator with references from #TheLensNOLA.
#Louisiana #fossilfuel #lailluminator #thelensnola #nonprofitnews #localnews #energypolicy #environment
Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office has been illegally disposing of officer misconduct complaints for years, according to #Verite a #NonprofitNews organization out of #NewOlreans, #Louisiana
#verite #nonprofitnews #newolreans #Louisiana #nola #news
I see the post I just made getting some love. Thank you. But #NonprofitNews isn’t free.
[Cue radio voice]
It’s made possible by readers like you. When you read #CambridgeMA and #SomervilleMA coverage in Cambridge Day (https://www.cambridgeday.com/#), you — yes you — are what keeps us doing our work. Every donation, big and small, helps. How much did you spend on your coffee today? How much was your cable bill this month? Does #LocalNews mean that much to you? Consider making a contribution today.
#localnews #somervillema #CambridgeMA #nonprofitnews
We go up and down the world to report on stories you've never heard before that matter. For example, our climate channel's coverage this year spanned from Mount Everest to Montana reservations and coastal Nigeria
We are the future of science, health, & environment journalism, and you can play a part in supporting #nonprofitnews.
Have your year-end donation TRIPLED or monthly membership matched 24x via NewsMatch by 12/31. You will also get a free laptop sticker!
We’re proud to be a member of the @INN Network – an alliance of 400+ #nonprofitnews organizations working to serve communities and hold the powerful to account.
Why should you support us? Last summer, this cool pitch came into our mail. Fayth Hui Tan (@fungalpals) is a Singaporean Biology Ph.D. Candidate at Caltech. What our editors didn't know then was that they had zero writing experience.
Many newsrooms may have second thoughts about accepting submissions from unproven writers. Not us.
A very belated #introduction post:
Hey, everyone! 👋 I'm a PhD student at @AnnenbergPenn studying #nonprofitnews #publicmedia and funding models for #journalism. I previously worked at PRX, NPR, and WisconsinWatch, and graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers!). I'm originally from #Minneapolis #Minnesota, but currently living in #philadelphia. Probably talking about #running, journalism, and the Midwest #commodon
#introduction #nonprofitnews #publicmedia #journalism #minneapolis #minnesota #philadelphia #running #commodon
Hello! Would you like to support some amazing nonprofit news outlets? Of course you would. It’s #newsmatch season: pick 1, 2, 3, 10 newsrooms — as many as you like really — from @INN members and send them some donations and they’ll be MATCHED through 12/31. Go to NewsMatch.inn.org or findyournews.org. #nonprofitnews
The INN Network — an alliance of 400+ independent news orgs — is working to serve communities and cover stories that might otherwise go untold. Join us tomorrow, Dec. 14, for a #nonprofitnews takeover to help us amplify this work.
Here's how you can join in 🧵
Independent journalism has the power to strengthen communities, speak truth to power and uphold our democracy.
Support #NonprofitNews on #GivingTusday and boost the impact of your donation through #NewsMatch: https://newsmatch.inn.org/
#nonprofitnews #givingtusday #newsmatch
Finally, here are two digital no-paywall nonprofit newsrooms in #Missouri that you can support this #GivingTuesday
Missouri Independent https://missouriindependent.com/donate/
Kansas City Beacon https://thebeacon.media/donate?campaign=7015Y000003LaVW
#missouri #givingtuesday #NonProfit #nonprofitnews #independentnews
#GivingTuesday roundup: #Missouri #PublicBroadcast #NonProfitNews #IndependentNews
#KansasCity Public Television KCPT #KCMO — https://donate.kansascitypbs.org/kcpbs/donate
KMOS #Sedalia #CoMo #ColumbiaMO — https://kmos.pledgecart.org/pledgecart3/user/home?campaign=5B970E4C-FA01-42E8-B791-031312AD67AF&source=
Nine PBS KETC #StLouis #STL — https://donate.ninepbs.org/ninepbs/donate-0
#Ozarks Public Television #SpringfieldMO #Joplin — https://donate.optv.org/optv/donate
#givingtuesday #missouri #publicbroadcast #nonprofitnews #independentnews #kansascity #kcmo #sedalia #como #columbiamo #stlouis #stl #ozarks #springfieldmo #joplin #NonProfit #pbs #publictelevision #publictv
#GivingTuesday roundup: #Missouri #PublicRadio #NonProfitNews #IndependentNews
KSMU #Ozarks #Springfield — https://donate.ksmu.org/ksmu/giving-tuesday
KRCU #CapeGirardeau — https://donate.nprstations.org/krcu/
KBIA #CoMo — https://kbia.missouri.edu
KOPN #ColumbiaMO — https://www.kopn.org/donate/
KXCV #Maryville & KRNW #Chillicothe — https://www.kxcv.org/pledge.htm
KCUR #KansasCity — https://www.kcur.org/donate-to-kcur-89-3-and-91-9-classical-kc
KTBG The Bridge #KCMO — https://bridge909.org/donate
#StLouis Public Radio / KWMU & KMST #Rolla — https://stlpublicradio.org/donate
#givingtuesday #missouri #publicradio #nonprofitnews #independentnews #ozarks #springfield #capegirardeau #como #columbiamo #maryville #chillicothe #kansascity #kcmo #stlouis #rolla