The #CitizensUnited decision — which extended #FreeSpeechRights to #corporations, #nonprofits & #unions — effectively curbed efforts to rein in #political spending, while paving the way for follow-up rulings from courts & the #FEC that would unleash additional billions of dollars in donations. Those donors would spawn a boom in #TaxExempt “#charitable” & “#SocialWelfare” groups as vehicles for spending on political activity.
#citizensunited #freespeechrights #corporations #nonprofits #unions #political #fec #taxexempt #charitable #socialwelfare
This is obvious for everyone on here, but if you have business it’s free to make a Google profile. If you’d like to learn, google it.
Also Microsoft has its own video editing software and it comes free with a 360 account. It’s not as good as what Apple had back in the day, but it works for corporate media at the nonprofit level. #nonprofits #publicRelations #NotThatKindOfPR #LonelyLady #cats
#nonprofits #publicrelations #notthatkindofpr #lonelylady #cats
In her interview with Amy, Ravi explains that her #arrest is just one example in a country that has effectively #criminalizingDissent. Indian officials have raided #nonprofits that oppose the country’s #coalmines, blocked #environmental websites, and criminally charged #journalists covering the 2021 farmer #protests.
#TragedyOfEnclosure #WhoseHiStory #PriveledgeWitness #defundthepolice #PublishingIsntACrime
#Arrest #criminalizingdissent #nonprofits #coalmines #environmental #journalists #protests #tragedyofenclosure #whosehistory #priveledgewitness #defundthepolice #publishingisntacrime
Employment opportunities at local #nonprofits and #NHPS; art and more on the #GNHCommunity Blogs. #GrtNewHaven #NewHaven #NHV
#nonprofits #nhps #gnhcommunity #grtnewhaven #newhaven #nhv
The restoration of NYC’s Central Park is a great urban turnaround story. And it holds important lessons for local gov’ts everywhere about how to work with nonprofits. One lesson: Be patient. #civiclead #nonprofits
more proof of how political actors are exploiting nonprofit tax code and anonymity rules -
#federalistsociety #investigation #DC #AttorneyGeneral #Schwalb #NonProfits #LeonardLeo
#federalistsociety #investigation #dc #AttorneyGeneral #schwalb #nonprofits #leonardleo
Curated Nonprofit Resources of the Week – 8/20/23 #nonprofits #philanthropy #equity
#nonprofits #philanthropy #equity
Part-time job fair @SCSU #CTJobs, Art and more events brought to you by #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits on #GNHCommunity. #NewHaven #NHV
#ctjobs #grtnewhaven #nonprofits #gnhcommunity #newhaven #nhv
Local #nonprofits seek professionals in Early Chilhood Education, Communications and Marketing. @UWGNH @Long_Wharf. More info #GNHCommunity Blogs. #GrtNewHaven #NewHaven #NHV
#nonprofits #gnhcommunity #grtnewhaven #newhaven #nhv
Art, Mary Wade Home Golf Tournament, @CTJobs at #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits and more on #GNHCommunity. #NewHaven #NHV
#grtnewhaven #nonprofits #gnhcommunity #newhaven #nhv
Sharing My Experience👇🏾
🇺🇸Patriotism Through Volunteerism
🎯Non-profits cannot do their work without community partners, donors and volunteers.
✅The time invested pays off in improved mental health and a sense of well-being.
🗣️Why do you volunteer?
📖 Read Full Article🔗
#volunteers #volunteering #humanitarian #payitforward #nonprofits #charities #giveback
#giveback #charities #nonprofits #payitforward #humanitarian #volunteering #volunteers
Check out this #TechSoup article to learn the important technical steps involved in creating your #nonprofit website:
#techsoup #nonprofit #nptech #npcomms #nonprofits
Art, summer programs and golf events brought to you by #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits on #GNHCommunity, #NewHaven #NHV
#grtnewhaven #nonprofits #gnhcommunity #newhaven #nhv
Arts, a Job Fair and much more brought to you by #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits on #GNHCommunity. #NewHaven #NHV
#grtnewhaven #nonprofits #gnhcommunity #newhaven #nhv
Grants; #CTJobs in #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits; After School and Adult Tech training; The Truth about enslaved people and their skill contradicts DeSantis rules. Plus more. #NewHaven #NHV
#ctjobs #grtnewhaven #nonprofits #newhaven #nhv
I'm posting twt link because I think #nonprofits don't get enough clout and who wouldn't like to support #MichaelSheen :frog_love:
Ein weiterer Grund 👇, warum Deutschland Vorreiter für liberale Demokratie und #CivicSpace sein sollte und endlich das Recht #Gemeinnützigkeit wie im Koalitionsvertrag vereinbart modernisieren muss. Hierzulande fürchtet sich jeder 20. Verein vor Advocacy:
#MaecenataInstitut berichtet: "Today, significantly fewer #nonprofits know #advocacy activities they are legally allowed
to do compared to 20 years ago."
Find out more in the new publication "The Retreat of Influence: Exploring the Decline of #Nonprofit Advocacy and #PublicEngagement":
#civicspace #gemeinnutzigkeit #maecenatainstitut #nonprofits #advocacy #nonprofit #publicengagement
Performing and visual arts brought to you by #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits on #GNHCommunity. Also, share the word, summer meal programs for kids in #NewHaven continue through August. #NHV
#grtnewhaven #nonprofits #gnhcommunity #newhaven #nhv
Visual arts, Theater and Music Brought to you by #GrtNewHaven #nonprofits on #GNHCommunity. #NewHaven #NHV
#grtnewhaven #nonprofits #gnhcommunity #newhaven #nhv