"Across a variety of nonreligious identities, they tend to presume religion is irrational and consequently incompatible with science, idealize science, and refer to religious people as a less scientific outgroup. [...] The social imaginary that to be modern is to be secular and scientific has enduring cultural power within these Western contexts, affecting daily life."
#Secularism #Nonreligion
The Liberals of Boulder Colorado were represented by Dr. L. Z. Coman at the 1893 International Congress of Freethinkers.
In Denver, Dr. C. W. McCormick briefly published The Golden Perhaps from 2041 Arapahoe Street.
The Denver Public Library has one copy: Volume 1, Number 7: 1889-12-02.
#Colorado #nonreligion #history #freethought #secular #archives
#colorado #nonreligion #history #freethought #secular #archives
In 19th century U.S., local freethought organizations dotted the continent, from Katie Kehm Smith's First Secular Church, Portland OR to the Liberal League of Philadelphia.
Local publications explored nonreligious views. The Iron Clad Age, "the only straight atheistic paper now or ever printed in the world or out of it," published out of Indianapolis—first by its found Dr. J. R. Monroe and after his death by his daughter Lulie Monroe Power.
#secular #freethought #nonreligion #history
Research on #NonReligion
Abbot and Anaya (2022) "'Breaking Free': A Grounded Theory Study of Atheist Women in the United States"
Among the findings: patriarchy transcends religious and nonreligious communities & finding community is both "valuable and elusive."
Special issue of Journal of Religious Education, on Religious Education and Social Justice in a Time of Climate Crisis, now out. Includes my article with Rachael Shillitoe on #nonreligious children's experiences of religious education #RE #nonreligion #worldviews https://www.reonline.org.uk/news/aulre-special-edition-of-the-jre/
#nonreligious #re #nonreligion #worldviews
UK #census data on #religion are interesting but what do people who ticked Christian and those who ticked No Religion mean?
The Qs imply a past understanding of religion in terms of relationship with established institutions. It'd better to enquire about values and practices. #nonreligion #atheism
#atheism #nonreligion #religion #census
"Towards Substantive Understandings of #Nonreligion and Secularity" conference by Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network (NSRN), June 2023, Ottawa, Canada.
Deadline for paper proposals 16 December 2022
I am a #sosiologist in #theologian 's clothing and a curious observer of human social life. My research interests include faith-based charitable #FoodAid, social #inequality and charity economy, affluence, moderation and #ethics of everyday #food consumption, therapeutic culture, and lived #religion and #nonreligion. I edit a #diakonia journal and teach #PracticalTheology at the University of Eastern Finland. I'm here to follow SoM and other interesting stuff.
#sosiologist #theologian #foodaid #inequality #ethics #food #religion #nonreligion #diakonia #practicaltheology