It's not like I love not knowing if I'm going to make the plane, either, but if I don't get a seat it doesn't ruin my entire week. Right now it's looking like there's a better than 70% chance I'll get to Venice--9 unsold seats, 8 nonrevs (and I'm in the top three on the list). Anything can change in the next 26ish hours, though.
And hey, if I don't get a seat to Venice tomorrow, maybe I'll try to get somewhere else the next day....
Most of the time I don't travel during the summer months--nonrevving is difficult during high vacation season. The exception is when I traveling solo, like I plan to tomorrow--it's a lot easier for me to deal with the uncertainty of whether I'll make it to my destination or make it home as planned. I mean, since I work from home, I can still work if I get stuck somewhere--but also, Craig is not good with anxiety & the will they, won't they stuff re: getting a seat on a plane. #nonrev #travel 1/
Gonna try to do next week's quick business trip with just a backpack. My years of flying #NonRev translating into my professional life.
Tough weekend to #nonrev. We got rolled to new flights 4 times, but finally got on 8 hours later. Happy to be heading home together after a whirlwind weekend. #nonrevadvetures
Got my first pick of a line for next month!!
This frees up the one long weekend my kids get. Plan is to try and #nonrev to LA with family and head to @UniStudios for a day at #SuperNintendoWorld #supernintedoworldhollywood
#nonrev #supernintendoworld #supernintedoworldhollywood
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig! Craig & I have been in Rome since Friday morning and just arrived home about an hour ago. Behold Craig's illegally-gotten shot of the Sistine Chapel ceiling--that's got to be bad luck, right? Then again, we're both atheists, so maybe the bad luck is only for Christians who disobey.
Whatever the case, we had a great time in only about 2.5 days--and I would 4000000% return to Rome simply to eat.
To all airline staff: Where are you non-revving to this year? Find inspiration on our StaffTraveler Bog @ #nonrev #nonrevtravel #stafftravel #stafftraveler #standbytravel #id90 #travel #travelplans #flightloads #travelblog
#nonrev #nonrevtravel #stafftravel #stafftraveler #standbytravel #id90 #travel #travelplans #flightloads #travelblog
To all airline staff: Where are you non-revving to this year? Find inspiration on our StaffTraveler Bog @ #nonrev #stafftravel #stafftraveler #standbytravel #id90 #travel #travelplans #flightloads #travelblog
#nonrev #stafftravel #stafftraveler #standbytravel #id90 #travel #travelplans #flightloads #travelblog
A few minutes before I find out if I’m on NH212 🫣 #nonrev #nonrevlife #AvGeek
On way to LHR for NH212 to HND. Not looking good with a F1J9G2Y0 though! 😬 (G is ANA’s W) #nonrev #nonrevlife
No new countries for me in 2022, although I've never been to Cancun or Basel before.
As most people know, I'm a #NonRev flyer--I fly stand-by for a drastically reduced cost thanks to my husband's work benefits. I think a lot about how responsible I am for CO2 production--the plane would fly with or without me on it, so in some ways I feel a reduced responsibility, but I do carbon offsets in other areas of my life whenever possible. 2/2
Seems weird to be posting the last of my As Pretty As An Airport posts about our October vacation to #Halifax as I'm writing up some posts about my #Basel trip, but I'm terrible about regularly updating my #TravelBlog--so here we are.
#Halifax #Travel #NonRev #PeggysCove
#halifax #basel #travelblog #travel #nonrev #peggyscove
And I'm home in Philly, sitting in a Wawa parking lot while Craig picks up lunch. Not quite as festive or charming as my views last night in Basel.
#switzerland #nonrev #travel #christmasmarket
1. I snagged premium economy on the plane for the ride home from Zurich. #NonRev
2. I should finally be finished with The Last Chairlift/ John Irving by the time we land in Philly. This book is way, way too long.
3. I get to cuddle Myrtle when I arrive home!
My husband decided to stay home this weekend, so it's a solo trip for me. I'm pretty far down on the #NonRev list (14, I think) but there are nearly 80 unsold seats on this flight. Still, until the plane lifts off, I will fret about being left behind.
Things are looking great for next weekend's #NonRev flight loads to Zurich--90 open seats on the way there, 162 open seats on the way back. I'll get economy on the flight over, for sure, and maybe premium economy on the flight back to the States. Let's hope things stay that way; I'm overdue for solo weekend trip. Basel, here I come!
I just listed myself to fly #NonRev to Zurich in a few weeks for a solo Christmas market weekend in Basel, and I could not be more excited if I tried. Weeeeeeeee!
#nonrev #travel #christmasmarket
TAP Portugal just got back to me, saying they've requested a refund of the tix to Paris for my mom and me. After the absolute 2-year-plus shitshow this entire thing has been, I fully expect them to tell me the request has been denied--or the refund will be for like 50 cents.
We ended up putting my mom on my husband's flight benefits so she can travel #NonRev. There's a lot of uncertainty with it, but it adds to the charm, I think. Ha!
#RemembranceDay always brings to mind seeing Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red at the #TowerOfLondon back in 2014. which was really beautiful.
And then I think about the trip itself--it was the first #NonRev weekend solo trip I ever took. PHL to LHR on a Friday night, arrived in London on Saturday morning & went directly to the Tower--then Pancras Station to get a train to Brussels. Hey, I didn't want to pay UK airport taxes! Stayed overnight in Brussels, flew home on Sunday AM. 1/2
#RemembranceDay #TowerOfLondon #nonrev #travel