#supermarket #food rationing, #Brexit & NTBs
The immediate reasons for food shortage in the UK relate to the #weather in growing countries & the #energy price issue for local hothousing....but behind the shortages lies Brexit
Elsewhere, European countries are experiencing not shortages; why?
When production is reduced, exporters priorities the markets easiest (cheapest) to get to; exploring to UK is now more difficult, not least due to our old friend - #NonTariffBarriers!
(see prev. posts)
#supermarket #food #brexit #weather #energy #nontariffbarriers
Its now clear that for anyone trading into the #EU, #BrexitReality is a major problem; after decades of friction free #exports the (reimposition of) #NonTariffBarriers has put a brake on exporters trade!.
Ignoring the gravity theory of #internationaltrade #Brexiters told them (& us) enhanced trade with distant trading partners would make up the difference, but of course what reality has demonstrated (as the 'gravity theory' predicts) is its always easier/more efficient to deal with neighbours!
#eu #brexitreality #exports #nontariffbarriers #Internationaltrade #brexiters
Ive just been reminded of this tweet about the campaign to renew imperial measures....
Its a quick lesson in #NonTariffBarriers:
States want imports measured in local units (frequently #Metric);
UK reverts to #ImperialMeasurements;
importers to UK confront a costly amendment to packaging;
exporters have to maintain two pack-types;
NTBs can be simple but significant - another case of #Brexiters sacrificing real #economics for fantasy nostalgia & head-in-the-sand-ness (if that's a thing)
#nontariffbarriers #metric #imperialmeasurements #brexiters #economics