In the years just before I became vegetarian (over 20 yrs ago), I lived near my brother and family. They had a baby then, so on most weekends I would shop and prepare a fabulous, sometimes outrageous, meal for them.
I was just talking to one of their friends who would often be at these "events" and he told me he still makes some of the dishes from those days. He cooked one of my Indian non-vegetarian recipes for his family for xmas. To rave reviews.
I love how recipes transcend time. How they can evoke such happy memories each time they are cooked. To me they are better than a photo album.
I love how recipes get passed from person to person and each time they can be adjusted a little. Like Chinese Whispers, eventually they take on a life of their own.
I have some problems with the current popularity of food and food writing. Food is about community not influencers.
#food #nonvegetarian #foodthoughts
I’m so proud of how this lamb dinner I made came out this evening. It’s marinated, herb citrus roasted lamb with sliced cabbage, carrots and potatoes 🤤 yum!
#FoodPorn #Food #NonVegetarian #Yummy
#yummy #nonvegetarian #food #foodporn
people on the assembly line…
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#soylentgreen #people #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
people on the assembly line…
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#soylentgreen #people #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
people on the assembly line…
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#soylentgreen #people #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
happy with the weight...
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#scale #weight #smile #ToServeMan #thetwilightzone #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
happy with the weight...
#scale #weight #smile #toserveman #thetwilightzone #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
#scale #weight #smile #ToServeMan #thetwilightzone #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
happy with the weight...
#scale #weight #smile #toserveman #thetwilightzone #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
#scale #weight #smile #ToServeMan #thetwilightzone #nonvegetarian #vidcap #animatedgif
அசைவ பிரியர்களுக்காக ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமைக்கு பதிலாக சனிக்கிழமை (23ந்தேதி) கொரோனா தடுப்பூசி முகாம்! via
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tummy rubs instead of slaughter...
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#tummyrub #rubbing #pig #instead #empathy #vegetarian #vegan #ham #pork #bacon #carnism #nonvegetarian #animatedgif
tummy rubs instead of slaughter...
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#tummyrub #rubbing #pig #instead #empathy #vegetarian #vegan #ham #pork #bacon #carnism #nonvegetarian #animatedgif
tummy rubs instead of slaughter...
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chicken nugget soda dip...
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chicken nugget soda dip...
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just another type of meat...
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#baphomet #spit #rotate #meat #roast #nonvegetarian #carnism #animatedgif
just another type of meat...
#baphomet #spit #rotate #meat #roast #nonvegetarian #carnism #animatedgif
#baphomet #spit #rotate #meat #roast #nonvegetarian #carnism #animatedgif
just another type of meat...
#baphomet #spit #rotate #meat #roast #nonvegetarian #carnism #animatedgif
#baphomet #spit #rotate #meat #roast #nonvegetarian #carnism #animatedgif
warhol eats a whopper...
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#andywarhol #eating #whopper #nonvegetarian #ego #fastfoodnation #animatedgif
warhol eats a whopper...
#andywarhol #eating #whopper #nonvegetarian #ego #fastfoodnation #animatedgif
#andywarhol #eating #whopper #nonvegetarian #ego #fastfoodnation #animatedgif