I know you don’t _need_ those chickens that the city says you can keep; but, what if you kept them mostly to donate the eggs? I know you don’t _need_ to plant an extra row for The Hungry, but what if you did? Asking for a friend.
#FoodBanksAreLifeLines #PlantARowForTheHungry #KindnessDoesntCostMuchButHasAGreatReturnOnInvestment #PovertyIsAPolicyChoice #HungerIsAPolicyChoice #NoOneIsComingToSaveUs
#foodbanksarelifelines #plantarowforthehungry #kindnessdoesntcostmuchbuthasagreatreturnoninvestment #povertyisapolicychoice #hungerisapolicychoice #nooneiscomingtosaveus
“[…] the debate’s organizers chose to devote seven minutes to #ClimateChange, 70 minutes into a 120-minute debate, as if it were a fifth-tier issue. Similar to humanity’s overall response to climate change, it was far too little and far too late.”
The First Democratic Debate Failed The Planet
#climatechange #policyfailure #mediafailure #nooneiscomingtosaveus