UN releases report on: Slavery, Canadian-style.
Migrant workers, their employment tied to one employer, are subject to multiple vectors of abuse.
Agricultural workers, home care workers, and more.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Oftentimes, these [inspections] are pre-announced so so that means employers know exactly when they are coming in so what often happens then is that they ask workers to clean the workplace and living their accommodations so they looks perfect and sometimes these workers are sent away so that they do not complain to the labor in specs right so l've heard this this from so many workers so the reality is different from what the government is claiming.
(Don't even try your "this is not my Canada" shit with me.)
#CanadianShame #UNReport
#canpoli #slavery #MigrantWorkers #WorkersRights #Canada #CouldntHappenHere #NoOneIsIllegal
#canadianshame #unreport #canpoli #slavery #migrantworkers #workersrights #canada #couldnthappenhere #nooneisillegal
““We want open work permits so workers could have the chance to move to another farm or another job,” Gatica said. “There is no reason the government shouldn’t want to do that. One change would mean they will stop allowing modern day slavery. Because now, work permits are the chains that tie workers to abusive employers.””
#cdnpoli #cdnag #CANlab #AGlabour #agribusiness #migrantworkers #nooneisillegal
#cdnpoli #cdnag #canlab #aglabour #agribusiness #migrantworkers #nooneisillegal
@DanielTuttle @flip0xfff @aral And doing both?
Another example, those raising awareness for the very current issue of migrants' rights over on Xitter using the hashtag #NoOneIsIllegal, are they just supposed to simply give it all up and decamp to Masto while we're still building the network?
“Foreign workers must have a work permit for a minimum of 12 months to qualify for the MSI program, according to the province. But the federal seasonal agricultural worker program program only allows workers to be in Canada for a maximum of eight months.” #cdnpoli #nspoli #novascotia #cdnag #farmlabour #migrantworkers #nooneisillegal
#cdnpoli #nspoli #novascotia #cdnag #farmlabour #migrantworkers #nooneisillegal
“A long-term solution requires Canada to create more pathways to permanent residency, and move away from its dependence on the labour of migrants whose lives are held in precarity by design.” #cdnpoli #cdnag #canlab #farmlabour #migrantjustice #nooneisillegal https://rabble.ca/politics/canadian-politics/undocumented-workers-still-waiting-for-the-status-they-were-promised/
#cdnpoli #cdnag #canlab #farmlabour #migrantjustice #nooneisillegal
"I think containing people on the barge is an inhumane way to treat those fleeing from war, conflict or persecution. The people who will be placed on the barge are NOT ILLEGAL because their asylum claims have already started to be processed by the Home Office. These people are asking for our protection, not our cruelty." Portland mayor who's taking the Government to high court in a planning challenge over the Bibby Stockholm prison ship #NoOneIsIllegal #RefugeesWelcome #NoPrisonShips #ToryScum
#nooneisillegal #refugeeswelcome #noprisonships #toryscum
Republished from Alarme Phone Sahara earlier this month.
Fuck the fascist #EU and fuck the racist and opportunist so-called governments of North Africa! Fuck these decades of utter betrayal by the UN too!
#eu #nooneisillegal #borderskill #freethemall
Any story about asylum and children makes me think of the Kindertransport: how Britain took in 10,000 European Jewish children facing extermination by the Nazis, whilst racist British politicians permitted and enabled their siblings and parents to suffer that fate.
The limited scope of the Kindertransport is therefore a source of shame to Britain, but at least it showed a humanity to children as a special class that this government seems to lack.
#tories #asylum #nooneisillegal
I know that, in a sense, this is like calling for more female camp guards, but the cartoon villainy of this is just off the scale. How could you do this and *not* realise you are pure evil?
I am furious with this government and have lost any hope for this country.
#Tories #Asylum #NooneIsIllegal
#nooneisillegal #asylum #tories
Credo der #Bundesregierung #Ampelkoalition
Abschieben um jeden Preis
"Polizei trennt Geschwister bei Abschiebung, 11-Jähriger danach stundenlang vermisst. Flüchtlingsrat sieht wachsende Härte gegenüber Roma aus Moldau."
#NoBorders #NoOneIsIllegal #Migration #Refugees #Deutschland #Polizeiproblem
#bundesregierung #Ampelkoalition #noborders #nooneisillegal #migration #refugees #deutschland #polizeiproblem
Wczoraj, z okazji #WorldRefugeeDay2023 wybrałyśmy się na spacer w okolicę siedziby Frontexu. Niechaj runie Twierdza Europa!
#RefugeesWelcome #NoBorders #NoBordersNoNations #AbolishFrontex #solidarnie_z_ludźmi_w_drodze
#worldrefugeeday2023 #refugeeswelcome #noborders #nobordersnonations #AbolishFrontex #solidarnie_z_ludzmi_w_drodze #solidarity_with_people_on_the_move #nooneisillegal
Dziś jest #WorldRefugeeDay. Po raz kolejny przypominamy o zbrodniach, jakich na migrantach dokonuje europejska straż graniczna, czyli Frontex. Dziesiątki tysięcy ludzi zostały utopione w Morzu Śródziemnym lub zastrzelone na granicach UE, gdyż miały czelność szukać lepszego życia.
Na naszym podwórku nie jest lepiej. Rząd myśli o referendum w sprawie unijnej relokacji migrantów, aby na nowo rozbudzić rasistowskie nastroje w społeczeństwie. Kryzys na granicy polsko-białoruskiej trwa nadal, wbrew prawu międzynarodowemu, ludzie są wyrzucani z powrotem na Białoruś, pomimo zgłaszania wniosków o azyl. Nawet jeśli komuś się uda trafić do ośrodka dla cudzoziemców, wciąż może zostać deportowany w imię sloganu "Polska dla Polaków".
Europejskie sądy nie kwapią się do osądzania zbrodniarzy z Frontexu, nie będą sądzić swoich. Frontex nie jest wypadkiem przy pracy UE, to jest prawdziwa twarz Unii, eurocentrycznej organizacji, która dba o własne interesy. To właśnie między innymi UE odpowiedzialna jest za niszczenie III Świata, z którego migranci przybywają. Szukają lepszego życia, lecz nawet w Unii będą obywatelami gorszej kategorii, tanią siłą roboczą. To przez kapitalizm i państwo są alienowani, spychani na dół drabiny społecznej.
Granice są ludzkim konstruktem, który można dowolnie kształtować. Dlatego naszym celem jest ich całkowite zlikwidowanie.
#AbolishFrontex #NoBorders #NoBordersNoNations #RefugeesWelcome #NoOneIsIllegal #solidarnie_z_ludźmi_w_drodze
#WorldRefugeeDay #AbolishFrontex #noborders #nobordersnonations #refugeeswelcome #nooneisillegal #solidarnie_z_ludzmi_w_drodze #solidarity_with_people_on_the_move
Wieder ein dokumentierter #Pushback durch Griechenland! Ein mit #AlarmPhone geteiltes Video zeigt, wie eine in Handschellen gefesselte Person von maskierten Männern in der Evros/Meriç Region pushbacked wird. Ein weiteres Beweisstück das die Brutalität zeigt, mit der Griechische Kräfte gegen people in the move vorgehen.
#pushback #alarmphone #nooneisillegal #fightfortresseurope
Referendum w sprawie relokacji migrantów, które planuje PiS to kolejna próba polaryzacji społeczeństwa w przeddzień wyborów.
Znów prawica będzie szczuć na ludzi z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu, kolportować fake newsy oraz straszyć upadkiem "białej Europy".
Niezależnie od miejsca pochodzenia i koloru skóry, wszyscy proletariusze są ofiarami państw, których rządy utrzymują istnienie kapitalizmu, dzieląc ludzi na biednych bogatych.
Jako ludzie pracy, musimy przeciwstawiać się rasistowskiej polityce rządu i pomagać migrantom, tak jak na granicy PL-BY.
#RefugeesWelcome #solidarnie_z_ludźmi_w_drodze
#NoOneIsIllegal #AbolishFrontex #AntiRacism
#refugeeswelcome #solidarnie_z_ludzmi_w_drodze #DestroyFortressEurope #nooneisillegal #AbolishFrontex #antiracism
One year ago today, a handful of people in London saw an immigration raid happening in their neighbourhood and intervened by blocking the "snatch van" intended to use to spirit away their neighbours. Soon it seemed like everyone in Peckham was out standing with them, surrounding the would-be kidnapperss and their police escort. After a tense stand off, the kidnappers and coppers backed down and were unceremoniously run out of the neighbourhood!
#NoOneIsIllegal, #YourBordersKill
#refugeeswelcome #nooneisillegal #yourborderskill
Ach guck: Da ist ja schon eines der ultimativen Totschlagargumente aus der rechten Meckeropablase.
#meckeropa #migration #nooneisillegal
No migrant should be illegal in a settler colonial state.
#nooneisillegal #endborderimperialism #Migrationisnotacrime
Why immigration policy is so inhumane
https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/5/21/23729789/immigration-title-42-migration-united-states-politics-biden-refugees-texas #NoNationsNoBorders #NoBordersNoNations #NoBorders #NoNations #StopDeportations #NoOneIsIllegal
#NoNationsNoBorders #nobordersnonations #noborders #nonations #stopdeportations #nooneisillegal
Just a wee reminder this holiday weekend…
#NoOneIsIllegal 🧡
#MigrationIsLife 🕊️
#SolidarityKnowsNoBorders ✊🏽
#Scotland #Skye #IsleOfSkye #Cuillin #BlackCuillin #SgurrAlasdair #WalkHighlands
#walkhighlands #sgurralasdair #blackcuillin #cuillin #isleofskye #skye #scotland #solidarityknowsnoborders #migrationislife #nooneisillegal
UK government is launching a three-day hackathon to find "the most innovative solutions" to cut asylum requests backlog.
This is my proposal:
UPDATE AsylumRequests SET Status='Approved'
#nooneisillegal #noborders #refugeeswelcome