@chaosmanor Noolong djidar maladji-mokiny baal kwobidak, ngany mika worl-ak djinanginy.
(Basically I'm saying that your dawn photograph is pretty, I am seeing the moon in the sky)
#noongarlanguage #perth #westernaustralia
Nganop , ni! Kwodjat, boorong bandak koorliny. Baal balyan, dek djoorabiny. Yeyi dima malka!
#noongarlanguage #perth #westernaustralia
Kaya koorda,
Yeyi, noonook moorditj NAIDOC bonar baranginy! Birdiya baalap moorditj!
Nganyang koortamart baal menditj, ngalak yoowart NAIDOC mandjar-koorliny. Yeyi ngalak mia-k wer Nyoongar warayin warniny wer djingang maladji alidja https://naidocperth.org.au/whats-on/naidoc-perth-opening-ceremony/
Naatj noonook NAIDOC-il warniny?
#perth #naidoc #noongarlanguage
Yeyi, kep koorliny! Kabin yoowart Duartap Karda-k.
Woola! Nidja kedala baal Djeran-mokiny. Yeyi, nidja miny bandak boodja-k nyininy.
#noongarlanguage #perth #westernaustralia
I'm quite happy for the weather to be more Djeran than Mookaroo if it wants to be. It certainly seems to be yesterday and today! #noongarlanguage #noongarweather
#noongarlanguage #noongarweather
Yesterday was the official tone-deaf Australia Day, rdm and I decided to spend it at work, and I think I might have typed two small sentences in English, and maybe a paragraph of English in spoken words, the rest was in #noongarlanguage. I think we might have gone up a level after that, language wise. It was challenging but felt very good.
In the evening rdm cooked a cake and we took turns reading from a couple of Kim Scott's Wirlomin Nyoongar books, Ngaarwily Nop and Yira Boornak Nyininy. Wirlomin, which are a Nyoongar group further South from us is still recognisable and understandable when you're studying the LOTE/Marribank/Whadjak-mokiny teachings. It was interesting that I was automatically translating the differences between Wirlomin and Marribank on the fly as I read.
Yira Boornak Nyininy is a very funny read, it's not a mythic tale by any means, it's about a Nyoongar guy, his wife, a white guy and a tree.
Ngaawily Nop is about a young fellow looking for his uncle.
Djiba-djobaliny has constantly proved to be the most popular word with people beginning Nyoongar language classes. It means swimming.
Wednesday night we had a good turn out for the Perth Meetup SF&F online Let's Talk about Autism and Neurodivergence in SF&F and some great discussion. Next month we'll be talking about The Prisoner from 1967. We will be screening the 1st episode at February's Watch2Gether.
Had a super time at Genghiscon. Lovely location and Wayfarers of the South Tigris is a great game.
@naught101 Yanga, noonook moorditj waangkaniny. :firstnations:
Kedala, Ngany waangk djel Nyoongar waangkiny. Nyoorn kedala. Baal djardam warayin, wer moorditj. #noongarlanguage
#mastodon has just over 200 #languages defined in code.
There are more than 7000 living languages, and over 8000 known natural languages listed in ISO 639-3.
I've already seen a few posts in less common languages, e.g. #noongarlanguage.
It would be nice if Mastodon allowed those posts to be marked as such, even if there are no translation tools available..
#mastodon #languages #noongarlanguage
Kaya koorda,
Kedala baal Koomba-djil Kongal-ak Boodjar Kedala.
Yoowart nganyang kedala. Maar-maar maar koodjal baal nyoorn kedala.
Benang kedala Ngany-il djoorap.
Kedala, @rdm wer ngany baalap warniny, benang djoorap kedalak barang.
#changethedate #noongarlanguage
To all our Vietnamese Mastodon users out there, Happy New Year of the Cat!
To everyone celebrating the Year of the Rabbit, Happy New Year too!
Djoorap yeyinang bonar noonakoort! #noongarlanguage
#sciencefictionconvention #sciencefiction #fantasy #genghiscon Genghiscon starts today, woo! Misssing those that can't make it, looking forward to playing with those who can, and whizzing off to the Rooftop Cinemas in the middle of it to watch Strange World with the Perth SF&F Meetup group on Saturday night! *phewf*
Lakeside event, woo!
Genghiscon baal Galap moolar-ak-gnat, woola! #noongarlanguage
Just have to water, finalise packing games and #Swancon promotio nal things and wondering if Wayfarer of the South Tigris is too much brain for people to teach and learn at a convention.
#sciencefictionconvention #sciencefiction #fantasy #genghiscon #noongarlanguage #swancon
@rdm has inspired me to finally do an #introduction - I think he's been on Mastodon less than 24 hours, and me, well, I've been active a little while. Better late than never?
Kaya, nganyang kwerl leece, wer ngany Whadjak #Nyoongar boodja-k nyininy. I give my respect to the Nyoongar people, and to the Elders of the past, present and those who are to come.
For tens of thousands of years they have lived, worked and played and cared for the land of South West Australia.
They have been very kind to share their #noongarlanguage and their culture with me and I deeply appreciate that.
Likewise my respect goes out to the Elders of First Nations everywhere.
Hello, my name is leece, and I live on Whadjuk Nyoongar boodja. I have a passion for nature and #citizenscience and am a moderator for the Western Shield Camera Project on Zooniverse.
Pronoun wise she/her is fine although I think baal/baalap is better. I'm an #artist - I have a Diploma in Fine Art (sculpture) but mostly 2d these days.
I'm married to @rdm who is a really cool dude who joined me in my interest in #birdwatching , enthusiastically joined me in #mermaiding and taught me how to sail, and to manage a #kayak and generally watercraft, and already loved #sf and #fantasy #booof these daysks #movies and #ttrpg as well as #boardgame
#GURPS #gm too. I am a latecomer to the world of #lego but have become something of an #afol in the past year or two.
#introduction #nyoongar #noongarlanguage #citizenscience #artist #birdwatching #mermaiding #kayak #sf #fantasy #booof #movies #ttrpg #boardgame #gurps #gm #lego #afol
Kaya koorda. Noonook kwoba? Ngany bidibaba.
Yeyi, nidja kedala baal kalaang. Kalyakoorl nidja Birak bonar baal kaalang. Nidja Bunuru-mokiny!
Naatj noonook kedala warniny? Djiba-djobaliny moorditj djinanginy!
#noongar #nyoongar #noongarlanguage
#nyoongar #noongar #noongarlanguage #bwoka #booka #clothing #coatandcloak #illustration #alphabet #languagelearning #constructedscript #book #art #drawing #scifi #衣服 #學語言 #畫畫 #科幻 #藝術
#nyoongar #noongar #noongarlanguage #bwoka #booka #clothing #coatandcloak #illustration #alphabet #languagelearning #constructedscript #book #art #drawing #scifi #衣服 #學語言 #畫畫 #科幻 #藝術
四腳蛇 sì kha zuâ, literally "four legged snake" (潮州話/Diôziu'uē/Teochew language)
Djidong (Noongar language)
I just had a big feed and now I feel like this little guy that I spotted earlier today in the front yard. 😂
#lizard #skink #tired #foodcoma #noongarlanguage #teochewlanguage #四腳蛇 #蜥蜴 #累 #吃飽 #潮州話
#潮州話 #吃飽 #累 #蜥蜴 #四腳蛇 #teochewlanguage #noongarlanguage #foodcoma #tired #skink #lizard
#books #bookshelf #noongarlanguage #noongar #teochew #mothertongue #motherlanguage #language #wordoftheday #100daychallenge #handwriting #calligraphy #潮州話 #母語 #語言 #今天的詞 #一百天挑戰 #書道 #書法
#書法 #書道 #一百天挑戰 #今天的詞 #語言 #母語 #潮州話 #calligraphy #handwriting #100daychallenge #wordoftheday #language #motherlanguage #mothertongue #teochew #noongar #noongarlanguage #bookshelf #books
You call that a...You call that a... You call that a Kitj?!
Noongar word
Kitj, also gidj, gidji, gidgee = a spear
In some place names like Gidgeegannup "The place of making spears"
#kitj #spear #aliens #scifi #noongarlanguage #bodybuilding #drawing #art #quarantineart #天空人 #科幻 #畫畫 #藝術
#藝術 #畫畫 #科幻 #天空人 #QuarantineArt #art #drawing #bodybuilding #noongarlanguage #scifi #aliens #spear #kitj
Yeyi kedalak meka mirda-djardak wer koomba-djil.
Tonight, the moon is pink(ish) and very big.
#moon #meka #pinkmoon #supermoon #nightsky #pink #noongarlanguage #月亮 #粉紅色 #夜空
#夜空 #粉紅色 #月亮 #noongarlanguage #pink #nightsky #supermoon #pinkmoon #meka #moon