Excellent overview by David Sloan Wilson of Teilhard de Chardin’s work on evolution and the concept of the Noosphere. https://d3ngex8q79bk55.cloudfront.net/evo-uploads/user/48617/post/new/Reintroducing%20Pierre%20Teilhard%20de%20Chardin%20to%20modern%20evolutionary%20science.pdf. #noosphere #evolution
A interesting and well produced collection of videos about the Noosphere.
Quite thought provoking and inspiring.
#Community #evolution #noosphere
Content farms run by people with no problem providing incorrect information are nothing new. For years there have been algorithmic content generators driving ad views. Still, I'm a bit disappointed by people's willingness to purposefully and publicly collapse our noosphere.
So where to next?
I’m going to commit to using the #Subconscious mobile app for my personal notes https://subconscious.network, that previously were #LogSeq.
I’ll stop publishing to my bmannconsulting site until the #Noosphere network is ready.
cc @gordon
#subconscious #logseq #noosphere
Anyhoo, lucky 10yo kids running around today will be alive in 2100. It was only 69 years between the Wright siblings' clunker and landing on Luna. It's time to recalibrate how we think about time, I think. #noosphere
The ideal dates from way before the internet, in the 1920s. E.g. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Volodymyr Ivanovych Vernadsky (AKA Vladimir Vernadsky)
The facts are very disappointing indeed.
“There's a third world, the world of objective contents of thoughts”
- o.o.b.e. , the Orb
#oobe #UFOrb
#World3 #KarlPopper
#Noosphere #TailhardDeChardin
#oobe #uforb #outofbodyexperience #world3 #karlpopper #noosphere #tailharddechardin
The first confirmed workshop is a hands on with #Noosphere, led by @gordon & @cdata https://subconscious.network
@gordon and @cdata are going to be putting on a #Noosphere workshop as part of @causalislands — stay tuned for details!
Found via Erlend Sogge Heggen in the #Noosphere Discord.
More about Erlend https://github.com/erlend-sh
He has a curriculum on learning #opensource that I really need to dig into more https://github.com/erlend-sh/opensource-curriculum
Well this is Interesting...
The Global Consciousness Project
Meaningful Correlations in Random Data
#RNGs #RandomNumberGenerators #Consciousness #Probability #Noosphere #GlobalConsciounessProject
#rngs #randomnumbergenerators #consciousness #probability #noosphere #globalconsciounessproject
Not too long ago I would've considered this hypothesis as somewhat paranoid. :birdsite:
"Brexit and Trump were initially seen as jokes, but the new owner of the social media giant could pose a serious threat to democracy – and a boon for Vladimir Putin", writes @davetroy on @BylineTimes
#Musk #MusQ #TwitterTakeover #Putin #Russia #Noosphere #RuleByTheWiseAssholes #TotalitarianInformationWarfare
#musk #musq #TwitterTakeover #putin #russia #noosphere #rulebythewiseassholes #totalitarianinformationwarfare
#Subconscious recently wrapped up an accelerator, culminating in a demo day where we gave this presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGdqG0Hzcjk
The "data backpack" (so-called in the demo) that lives on #IPFS is called Sphere Viewer, and you can use it today to view any #Noosphere content that gets pushed to IPFS.
Here is a live demo of it loaded directly from an IPFS gateway: https://bafybeida5q4ewi7yrardkjaphuhrbwbyhdolda2r6hrwcoc2nsmuzlvwla.ipfs.noo.pub/?id=did:key:z6Mkw5d3acoQqn97UjRcGit7J7uWunixxxDKTgkr58CFHLfo&version=bafy2bzacecsjls67zqx25dcvbu6p4z4rsdkm2k6hanhd5qowrvwmhtov2sjpo
Noosphere client and Noosphere data both load from the IPFS gateway :D
#subconscious #ipfs #noosphere
Noosphere for Web: We are officially building #Noosphere for the web and publishing the associated package to #NPM. You can install it with this command:
npm i @subconsciousnetwork/orb
This package shares the same Rust kernel as our other packages and works out of the box on the web (no tools or bundler required).
It's early days, but if you are curious to try it out the best docs are our test suite on Github, or in the TypeScript types distributed with the package.
IPFS Kubo Syndication: #Noosphere now features #IPFS #Kubo syndication; this means it will automatically distribute content that you save to a gateway to IPFS. At this time, the gateway will automatically push any sync'd changes into IPFS as they arrive. Eventually, we will offer more direct control over which changes get sync'd to IPFS (and when).
We also plan to add support for additional IPFS backends in time, including Iroh, Web3.storage and more.
The gremlins building #Noosphere have been hard at work to get some exciting changes landed as we approach the end of 2022. Some highlights:
🌐 IPFS Kubo Syndication
:blobcatcoffee: Noosphere for Web: `npm i @subconsciousnetwork/orb`
🔍 Sphere Viewer demo web app
Details in the following thread..
#noosphere #subconscious #ToolsForThought #npm #ipfs #wasm #UCAN
Here’s @gordon presenting #Noosphere & #Subconscious https://youtu.be/tGdqG0Hzcjk
We’ve got a new “Getting started with #Noosphere” page on the @fission wiki that @jessmartin put together https://talk.fission.codes/t/getting-started-with-noosphere/3688
This is interesting, but how is better than having own web serwer?
Also, this doesn't address the discoverability (aka search), which leaves it ripe for centralization around the next Google or even current Google.
#IPFS #decentralized #noosphere
Just finished listening to the @davetroy podcast episode, Mysteries of Eurasia, with Joe Szimhart. A dive into deep water, including western esoteric thought, occult beliefs and their relationship to Russia's war on the west. Packed with info and a great way to connect the dots on a massive canvass. Relevant, timely and challenging.
#davetroy #joeszimhart
#theforce #qanon #ideas #occult #russia #putin #shambhala #buckyfuller #syncretism #noosphere #infowars
#davetroy #joeszimhart #theforce #qanon #ideas #occult #Russia #Putin #shambhala #buckyfuller #syncretism #noosphere #infowars