@aethelshane #575prompt #defeated #threelines #haiku #poetrycommunity #poetryoftheday #menopause #hormonereplacementtherapy #breastcancer #nopatch
covid brought me ten
menopause brought me ten more
I feel defeated
#nopatch #breastcancer #hormonereplacementtherapy #menopause #poetryoftheday #poetrycommunity #haiku #threelines #defeated #575prompt
16 days smoke free.. After more than 20 years...
I feel great, haven't had any major craving crisis and even the minor one seems just passing by without much impact..
I know why I used to smoke, exactly why, so I'm not running away anymore.
And contrary to other times I tried to stop, I'm not having violent nightmares or difficulty to sleep.
It's bit harder to sleep early though but I'm confident I'll self regulate. #nopatch #nohelp #quitsmoking #smokefree
#SmokeFree #QuitSmoking #NoHelp #nopatch
heise.de: Cisco: Keine Patches mehr für angreifbare SoHo-Router
Weil die Produkte nicht mehr unterstützt werden, will Cisco keine Fixes bereit stellen. Die Kunden sollen neuere Modelle kaufen.
Betroffen sind die Modelle RV110W, RV130, RV130W und RV215W.
Hoffe mal keiner von euch hat son Ding noch im Einsatz.
#cisco #criticalbug #nopatch #eol #austauschen #keinpatch #kritischelücke #security #wasandereskaufen
#cisco #criticalbug #nopatch #eol #austauschen #keinpatch #kritischelücke #security #wasandereskaufen
Unpatched Bugs in Oracle iPlanet Opens Door to Info-Disclosure, Injection - CVE-2020-9315 and CVE-2020-9314 in iPlanet version 7 will not receive patches. more: https://threatpost.com/unpatched-bugs-oracle-iplanet/155639/ #informationdisclosure #vulnerabilities #imageinjection #cve-2020-9314 #cve-2020-9315 #websecurity #webconsole #iplanet #nopatch #oracle
#oracle #nopatch #iplanet #webconsole #websecurity #cve #imageinjection #vulnerabilities #informationdisclosure
RCE Exploit Released for IBM Data Risk Manager, No Patch Available - Three separate flaws can be chained to achieve full system compromise. more: https://threatpost.com/rce-exploit-ibm-data-risk-manager-no-patch/154986/ #securityvulnerabilities #remotecodeexecution #ibmdatariskmanager #vulnerabilities #proofofconcept #workingexploit #exploitchain #pedroribeiro #nopatch #rce
#rce #nopatch #pedroribeiro #exploitchain #workingexploit #proofofconcept #vulnerabilities #ibmdatariskmanager #remotecodeexecution #securityvulnerabilities