'Nope' [2022] - “He got caught up trying to tame a predator. You can’t do that. You got to enter an agreement with one.”
#film #scienceFiction #sciFi #screening #sophfifest #sophfifest2022 #theWatchers #filmScreening #theWatchers #watchalong #filmWatchalong #goofy #nerd #nerds #filmNerd #watcherTakeover #filmOfTheMonth #nope #jordanPeele #horror #western #spaghettiWestern #fourStars #sophfifestFours #nope #nopeFilm
#film #sciencefiction #scifi #screening #sophfifest #sophfifest2022 #TheWatchers #filmscreening #Watchalong #filmwatchalong #goofy #nerd #nerds #filmnerd #watchertakeover #filmofthemonth #nope #jordanpeele #horror #western #spaghettiwestern #fourstars #sophfifestfours #nopefilm
Una vez más enfrentaré mi terror a la animación stop-motion para poder ver una película que tiene buena pinta.
RT @horrorlosers@twitter.com
THIS IS HALLOWEEN! Primer tráiler completo de WENDEL & WILD, la vuelta de Henry Selick al espíritu de PESADILLA ANTES DE NAVIDAD, con terror y fantasía en Stop-Motion, voz y guion coescrito por Jordan Peele tras dirigir #NopeFilm. Llega a Netflix el 28/10.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/horrorlosers/status/1567183798541946882
RT @CultureCrave@twitter.com
Daniel Kaluuya doesn't understand why anyone cares about Logan Paul's thoughts on #NopeFilm
"Why is his opinion top of the tree? ... What's he done in cinema?"
🎙 Capital FM
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1557787376637816832