Happy Friday! Read this week's reviews of Someone Else's Shoes by Jojo Moyes, #NopeMovie, and #JuryDuty. With hmms about how #ChatGPT doesn't know anything about celebrities. Check it out: https://starstrucknews.substack.com/p/chatgpt-doesnt-know-anything-about
Llegando a la península de Yucatán me acordé de la película donde un ovni caníbal se esconde entre las nubes...
#Nope #NopeMovie #cine #Nop #películas #movies #nature #naturaleza #nubes #VistaAérea #AerialView
#aparicion #nope #nopemovie #cine #nop #peliculas #movies #nature #naturaleza #nubes #vistaaerea #aerialview
Hier sind ein paar gute Gedanken zu #NopeMovie von Grayson's Projects. (Was Logan Paul sagt, ist nicht relevant.)
Great to see these guys do an episode on #nopemovie. I still recommend going into the film cold and avoid trailers etc. so nothing is given away.
RT Lee Martin
Finally got to see @NopeMovie and you know I loved all those JAWS nods. Here's the little @CodePen hack I put together for the "☁️" #NopeMovie 🏇🏿🛸🤠🎥🙅🏿♂️🪙🔑🩸🏍🙈🌵🎈
Lee Martin: I was inspired to recreate the ominous cloud and trailing car dealership flag string from @JordanPeele's new film dropping this week, #NopeMovie, as an interactive 2D physics powered visual on @CodePen. ☁️🛸🐎 @nopemovie @monkeypaw
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/leemartin/status/1551627653546901506