anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖 · @anna_lillith
2523 followers · 15076 posts · Server

With a single action, Nutrien Ag Solutions can help stem the alarming declines in bee and bird populations. Tell the company to stop selling neonic-coated seeds.




#seeds #nopesticides #savethebees #protectourwildlife

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1726 followers · 26795 posts · Server
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1051 followers · 14046 posts · Server

So, since we had a really dry summer last year, I'm collecting water in rain barrels to water the garden and conserve our well-water. However, as I discovered recently, rain barrels can be places where mosquitoes can breed. So I put a thin layer of old olive oil (leftover from soap making) on top. I checked on both rain barrels -- no !

"Rain Barrels and Mosquito Pests

While using a rain barrel in the garden is great for water conservation among its other benefits, mosquitoes are a constant threat, as they carry life-threatening diseases. Learning how to control mosquitoes in a rain barrel is just as important to controlling them anywhere else, especially since the pests take advantage of standing water to help carry out their life cycle. Here are some things you can do to minimize their presence:
- Dish soap– Liquid dish soap creates a slick film on the surface of the water. When mosquitoes attempt to land, they drown before they have time to lay eggs. Use natural soap and avoid products with perfume or degreasers, especially if you water your plants with rain water. One or two tablespoons of liquid soap per week is plenty for most rain barrels.
- Mosquito dunks– Also known as mosquito donuts, mosquito dunks are round cakes of Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), a naturally occurring bacteria that provides mosquito control in rain barrels as it slowly dissolves. However, it is safe for beneficial insects. Be sure the product label indicates the dunks are formulated for ponds because other types, which kill caterpillars, aren’t effective in water. Replace the dunks as needed. Check them after a hard rain.
- Vegetable oil– Oil floats on the surface of the water. If mosquitoes attempt to land, they suffocate in the oil. Use about a quarter cup of oil per week. You can use any type of oil, including olive oil. Horticultural oil or dormant oil are also effective for preventing mosquitoes in rain barrels."

Read more at Gardening Know How: Mosquito Control In Rain Barrels: How To Control Mosquitoes In A Rain Barrel

#mosquitoes #nopesticides #oliveoil #organic #rainbarrels #mosquito #MosquitoControl

Last updated 1 year ago

Larchmutz 🦊 🍂 · @Larchmutz
870 followers · 416 posts · Server

20 millions d’oiseaux disparaissent chaque année en Europe, principalement à cause de l’agriculture industrielle


Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
881 followers · 10432 posts · Server

10 Great Plants That Repel Fleas and Ticks

February 27, 2023

"It might be a good idea to plant thyme in your garden if you need a plant that is easy to take care of. plants do a good job of repelling and and they won’t take a lot of effort to care for when compared to some other options."

#thyme #fleas #ticks #gardening #nopesticides

Last updated 2 years ago

🔮Savah✨Rellcast🏰 · @SavahRellcast
347 followers · 333 posts · Server
Caitlin Waddick · @CaitlinWaddick
143 followers · 2037 posts · Server

Over 30 million tulips. The highest pesticide application per hectare in the world. The “Holland Sea of Flowers” in full bloom in Dafeng, China, 2018.
Photo credit: Keith Anderson??


#makepolluterspay #reducetoxicexposures #goorganic #nopesticides

Last updated 6 years ago