My wife and I took a trip to Hannafore, #Cornwall today. It was wonderful. We just walked up and down along the sea front enjoying the sights and sounds. The tide was high so the waves lapped around the rocks and ran in and out of the rock pools. The sun sparkled brightly on the sea. Dogs ran in and out of the sea chasing balls or pebbles thrown by their humans. Children chattered excitedly as they explored the rock pools and beach or slurped delightedly on ice creams. It was lovely so #NoPhotos
Also, it's always grand to welcome the deaf community and their BSL interpreter to the 10am Eucharist every first Sunday of the month. I love watching, even though I know very little BSL - the use of the body, sign and gesture brings the prayers and readings alive in a different way.
#silentsunday #exetercathedral #Advent #nophotos
Sunday Girl - No Photos Please! - #fujifilm #model #beauty #fashion #portrait #portraiture #newcastlelife #thecamerabastard #rocknroll #nophotos
#nophotos #rocknroll #thecamerabastard #newcastlelife #portraiture #portrait #fashion #beauty #model #fujifilm