"As Long as You Follow" is a song by British-American rock band #FleetwoodMac. Performed by #ChristineMcVie and written alongside her then-husband, Eddy Quintela, the song was one of two new tracks on the band's #1988GreatestHitsAlbum, along with "#NoQuestionsAsked". Lead guitarist #RickVito singled out the guitar solo on "As Long as You Follow" as his best work with Fleetwood Mac.
#fleetwoodmac #christinemcvie #1988greatesthitsalbum #noquestionsasked #rickvito
Remembering the hell of LAX, international arrivals, no less.
Adrift in the mass of humanity churning toward exits, I look up and see my mother ... hurdling over the crowd containment rope like an Olympian to get to an exhausted, hurting me. Her, in a pencil skirt, no less.