#NORAD says it "detected and tracked four Russian military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) late August 13, and early morning August 14, 2023."
#NORAD says one of its F-35 fighter aircraft intercepted a general aviation aircraft that violated the VIP Temporary Flight Restricted area near San Francisco this morning where President Biden is visiting. "The event took place in the Petaluna area and concluded without incident."
#JetFighters chase small plane in #Washington area before it crashes in #Virginia
The #UnitedStates scrambled F-16 fighter jets in a #Supersonic chase of a light aircraft with an unresponsive pilot that violated airspace in the #WashingtonDC area and later crashed into the mountains of Virginia, officials said.
Four people were on board the Cessna, a source familiar with the matter said. A Cessna Citation can carry seven to 12 passengers.
#NORAD #Autopilot #SonicBoom
#jetfighters #washington #virginia #unitedstates #supersonic #washingtondc #norad #autopilot #sonicboom
In case anyone is interested, here's the flight path flown by #N611VG, the unresponsive business jet that flew over restricted airspace in Washington DC today, prompting #NORAD to scramble fighters.
N611VG was supposed to land at ISP, but instead it made that left turn and flew directly over ISP, without ever leaving 34,000 feet. It maintained that altitude and flew in a straight line until it crashed in Virginia.
Compreenda como e porquê a Groenlândia tem se tornado cada vez mais relevante para as grandes potências da atualidade e os riscos associados a isso.
#OTAN #NORAD #Defesa #Dinamarca
Leia o artigo em: https://atlasreport.com.br/a-crescente-importancia-geopolitica-da-groenlandia-o-tesouro-dinamarques-no-artico/
#otan #norad #Defesa #dinamarca
"NORAD: Russian Warplane Flew Near US Airspace for Second Time in a Week"
#Biden #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #US #WW3 #Zelensky #Norad
#norad #zelensky #ww3 #US #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
The Russian Kosmos-2222 missile early warning satellite went out of orbit and burnt down in the atmosphere
#Space #norad #kosmos #satellite
#Russia no ‘paper tiger,’ warns #Norad commander - Legion Magazine https://legionmagazine.com/en/russia-no-paper-tiger-warns-norad-commander/
>As Russia's military capabilities seem to flutter in the wake of their ongoing invasion of Ukraine, and China's grows, officials say they are still the biggest and gravest threat to North America.
176th Wing integral to NORAD air sovereignty and routine intercept of Russian aircraft
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JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska — The 176th Air Defense Squadron is integral to Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Region positive identification, tracking and routine intercept of...
#alaska #norad #176 #airspace #protection #tracking #russian #adiz
#alaska #norad #airspace #protection #tracking #russian #adiz
“Get me the President on the horn” and wow are they calm considering nuclear annihilation is only six minutes away.
“David, you want to invite your little friend?”
“You shouldn’t be running in here, someone could get hurt.” (#NORAD)
Lawmaker Bares Blow-By-Blow Of Marjorie Taylor Greene Spy Balloon 'S***show' With General | HuffPost Latest News
#Marjorie_Taylor Greene #chinese #Steve_Cohen #spy_balloon #NORAD
#marjorie_taylor #chinese #steve_cohen #spy_balloon #norad
Dude, #NORAD shot down our science project is a fun read https://www.peacequest.ca/dude-norad-shot-down-my-science-project/ But this #war mentality threatens our future: https://pbicanada.org/2023/02/18/balloon-used-to-justify-purchase-of-f-35-warplanes-and-air-to-air-missiles/
Det siger så også en del om, hvor lidt styr på hvad der foregår i deres eget land amierne har. #usa #kina #usaf #norad #efterretning https://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2023-02-17-mens-usa-soeger-svar-paa-nedskudte-objekter-har-lille-amatoerklub-meldt-ballon
#efterretning #norad #usaf #kina #usa
So how much did the US spend to shoot down a $200 balloon, and how much did media outlets spend talking about it? #ufo #norad #alaska #yukon #illinois #balloon #f22 #sidewinder https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/02/did-an-f-22-blow-up-some-illinois-hobbyists-pico-balloon.html
#ufo #norad #alaska #yukon #illinois #balloon #f22 #sidewinder
Global News BC: Chinese spy balloon flight path over Canada: Defence officials reveal route https://globalnews.ca/news/9494290/chinese-spy-balloon-flight-path-canada/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ChineseSurveillanceBalloon #surveillanceballoon #chinesespyballoon #spyballooncanada #chinaspyballoon #spyballoonchina #ChinaBalloon #CanadaChina #ChinaCanada #CanadaNews #Spyballoon #chinanews #Politics #Canada #World #China #NORAD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #chinesesurveillanceballoon #surveillanceballoon #chinesespyballoon #spyballooncanada #chinaspyballoon #spyballoonchina #chinaballoon #CanadaChina #ChinaCanada #CanadaNews #spyballoon #chinanews #politics #Canada #world #china #norad
Russian warplanes fly near Alaskan airspace second time in two days | The Hill
#alaska #norad #russia_warplanes
Interessant épisode sur les ballons abattus par NORAD, non pas sur l'espionnage, mais sur le régime chinois lui-même.
#Chine #BallonEspion #NORAD #ÉtatsUnis #Canada #Balado. Un bon travail de la part du journaliste Jean-Louis Bordeleau.
#chine #ballonespion #norad #etatsunis #canada #balado
Global News BC: NORAD conducting planned defense exercise off B.C. and Washington State coast https://globalnews.ca/news/9488802/norad-exercise-bc-washington-state/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NORADexerciseWashingtonState #WashingtonStateNORAD #NORADexerciseB.C. #BCNORADexercise #objectsinthesky #NORADexercise #BCNORAD #Canada #NORAD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #noradexercisewashingtonstate #washingtonstatenorad #noradexerciseb #bcnoradexercise #objectsinthesky #noradexercise #bcnorad #Canada #norad
"U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to chase away Russian bombers that approached the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone on Monday.
The aircraft, which were identified on Feb. 13, did not enter United States or Canadian airspace and did not pose a threat, the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) said"
#War #Conflict #Russia #US #Ukraine #Allies #NATO #EU #Putin #Weapons #NORAD #Canada
#Canada #norad #weapons #Putin #EU #NATO #allies #Ukraine #US #Russia #conflict #War