haha gestern hat viele des gebombt und noch viele andere....

heute ist dann die der zusammengekracht aber laut aussagen wars ein softwarefehler ja wers glaubt - dann glaub ich auch das die und den zerstört hat...

hahaha ihr seid doch wegge wenn ihr denkt wir glauben euren schmarrn noch

#russland #webseiten #schweizer #staat #ddos #borse #schweiz #kicher #putin #nordestream2 #damm

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
124 followers · 2263 posts · Server qoto.org

Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Waterworld (1995)

Over a quarter of a century ago, this climate-change movie was way ahead of its time. When it was first released, many critics panned this wonderful film simply because the oil industry controlled so much of the economy and the media at the time. If it was released today it’d get glowing reviews.

It was an expensive movie to make because of all the underwater scenes, which required highly specialized cameras and gear to films. The special effects were also top notch. And those elaborate sets must have cost a fortune. Today it would be much easier to produce.

It’s kind of campy and the premise (that the entire Earth is covered with water due to climate change) is complete nonsense, but it’s still fun to watch.

#science #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #film #movie #climate #technology #future #wet #scuba #diving #costner #jetski #action #revolution #nordestream2 #oil #smokers #ocean

Last updated 2 years ago