"#MainstreamEconomics has consistently understated the economic damage of #ClimateChange, according to two recent reports. [..]
"The models are relied upon by investors, politicians, central bank governors and influential bodies like the #IntergovernmentalPanelOnClimateChange (#IPCC)."
#MainstreamEconomists accused of playing down #climate threat
#EconomicsOfClimateChange #NeoclassicalEconomics #GlobalWarming #Nordhaus
#mainstreameconomics #climatechange #intergovernmentalpanelonclimatechange #ipcc #mainstreameconomists #climate #economicsofclimatechange #neoclassicaleconomics #globalwarming #nordhaus
Un réchauffement optimal à 3,5 °C !
Quand on est économiste, on peut proposer sans rire un réchauffement optimal de 3,5 °C et être récompensé pour les travaux qui l’affirment !
La banque de Suède n'aurait t'elle pas là quelques intérêts ?
50 ans après le rapport Meadows, avons nous encore le temps d’écouter les pro-croissance ?
"Steve Keen has been exposing the ways mainstream #NeoclassicalEconomists—including winners of the so-called Nobel Prize in Economics— have been arriving at their absurdly optimistic numbers regarding #ClimateChange, and they’re terrifying. In this interview with Colin Bruce Anthes, Keen goes through prevalent examples in detail .. "
Exposing Apocalyptic Economics with #SteveKeen
#EconomicsOfClimateChange #GlobalWarming #NeoclassicalEconomics #Nordhaus
#nordhaus #neoclassicaleconomics #globalwarming #economicsofclimatechange #stevekeen #climatechange #neoclassicaleconomists
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this article by Ted Nordhaus makes me wonder whether the NRC is not purposely trying to obstruct nuclear development in the US. How about a few more hurdles for ya, engineers?
#nuclearpower #nrc #breakthroughinstitute #nordhaus
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this article by Ted Nordhaus makes me wonder whether the NRC (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission) is not purposely trying to obstruct nuclear development in the US. How about a few more hurdles for ya, engineers?
#nuclearpower #breakthroughinstitute #nordhaus
Warum es zwingend unseren Untergang bedeutet, Ökonomen gesonderte Bedeutung zuzumessen.
RT @hjbertschi
Der Ökonom William #Nordhaus kam zum Schluss, dass es nicht lohnt, zuviel gegen #Klimawandel zu unternehmen. Er berechnete, dass Summe aus Kosten des Klimawandels und der Klimapolitik bei #Erwärmungsziel von 3,5 Grad am tiefsten ist. Dafür bekam er 2018 #Wirtschaftsnobelpreis. https://twitter.com/hjbertschi/status/14448981341534699…
#nordhaus #klimawandel #Erwärmungsziel #wirtschaftsnobelpreis