Jonobie · @jonobie
999 followers · 584 posts · Server

Oh, cool, I think for the second time, the / frame has broken. This version is less than a year old.

Have I mentioned to never, ever, ever, ever, ever buy a treadmill from this company? Because you should never ever ever pay this much for this crappy a tool.

Soooo, I'm pondering a new treadmill. It needs a long ramp (husband is 6'5"), to be super sturdy, and ideally has a variety of interesting programs. Any recommendations?

#nordictrack #ifit #treadmill #running

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonobie · @jonobie
878 followers · 997 posts · Server

If you haven’t heard it from someone else, under no circumstances should you ever buy a treadmill. They suck so so so much. The one I have didn’t work when it first arrived, eventually had a frame break, got stuck in various positions, and now is refusing to let me use it because it hasn’t updated but freezes on updating. Its warranty is about to expire and basically I wish I could make them pay to haul it to the trash.


Last updated 1 year ago

André Nantel · @nantel
59 followers · 107 posts · Server

I’m not a huge fan of skiing on powder so, on the day after a big snowstorm, we went instead. 2.2 km up then down a hill, I haven’t worked this hard since I stopped running.

#snowshoeing #photography #Winter #quebec #Canada #sepaq #orford #nordictrack

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
198 followers · 186 posts · Server

Any runners on here? I've never been a treadmill fan but the older I get, the less tolerance I have for running in the cold, so we finally bought one a few weeks ago and it's... not terrible.

I'll always prefer running outside, but 's iFit workouts make running in place interesting and help keep me focused. I'm doing 's Iberian series and she's engaging and earnest without crossing the line into corny and obnoxious like so many fitness trainers. 👍🏽

#nordictrack #hannaheden #running #treadmill

Last updated 2 years ago

J0hn · @emphatic_zen
0 followers · 24 posts · Server

What is Return to Monke? A closer that is like 🤔an orgasm


Last updated 2 years ago

· @cyclical_obsessive
28 followers · 105 posts · Server

So pleased with being able to watch YouTube walk/run videos with my new S45i treadmill in manual mode (taskbar launch DuckDuckGo browser to YouTube no subscription).

iSmoothRun measures quite accurate (learns), while Apple Watch is 1% high

#nordictrack #running #treadmill

Last updated 2 years ago