Shared via Fedilab @gemelliz 🔗
Doug Ford's lawyers argued that he couldn't testify at the EA Inquiry because he has a day job.
And yet during the entire week of testimony he didn't even bother to show up at his day job in the #Ontario legislature. Not one day.
#OnPoli #EmergencyActInquiry #EAInquiry #Ottawa #NoReasonGiven
#ontario #onpoli #emergencyactinquiry #eainquiry #ottawa #noreasongiven
Doug Ford's lawyers argued that he couldn't testify at the EA Inquiry because he has a day job.
And yet during the entire week of testimony he didn't even bother to show up at his day job in the #Ontario legislature. Not one day.
#OnPoli #EmergencyActInquiry #EAInquiry #Ottawa #NoReasonGiven
#ontario #onpoli #emergencyactinquiry #eainquiry #ottawa #noreasongiven