One time I started a blog that was going to be posts about what I style 'folk history': little essays on the stories I've uncovered in my (entirely hobbyist) researches into folk belief, local history, and the more interesting bits of my family history, against a background of social history of the times.
Typically of me, I set it all up, got one post in, and never wrote anymore. But since people seem to like that sort of thing on here, maybe I'll resurrect it?
For what it's worth, this is that one post, a story of my direct ancestor and the convict transports of the 1830s (which I optimistically styled 'part 1 of 2'):
#ancestry #genealogy #FamilyHistory #SocialHistory #FolkHistory #EnglishHistory #AustralianHistory #ConvictTransports #CrimeHistory #CrimeAndPunishment #19thCentury #Geneadons #PatrickFamily #Norfolk #NorfolkHistory
#ancestry #genealogy #familyhistory #socialhistory #folkhistory #englishhistory #australianhistory #convicttransports #crimehistory #crimeandpunishment #19thcentury #geneadons #patrickfamily #norfolk #norfolkhistory
The Atterbury Plot (see @HistParl ) is of interesr to anyone who has seen that plaque in Aylsham market square & wondered what it's about. #NorfolkHistory #Norfolk