Trainscapes: Major Derailment Of Norfolk Southern Train In Eastern Calhoun County, Alabama
On Thursday morning
#TrainscapesStuff #CalhounCountyAlabama #Derailment #IronCityAlabama #NorfolkSouthern #NorfolkSouthernDerailment #NorfolkSouthernTrainDerailment #Railroads #TrainDerailment #TrainDerailmentVideo #TrainStuff #trains #TrainsAndRailroads #Trainscapes #YouTube
#trainscapesstuff #calhouncountyalabama #derailment #ironcityalabama #norfolksouthern #norfolksouthernderailment #norfolksoutherntrainderailment #railroads #trainderailment #trainderailmentvideo #trainstuff #trains #trainsandrailroads #trainscapes #youtube
The thing is: #PeteButtigieg would be in a lot of (not altogether unjustifiable) hot water if there were any adults left in the Republican Party. A properly-functioning opposition party with control of the House gavel would be raking him over the coals. That's what a well-functioning democratic government looks like.
#NorfolkSouthernDerailment #OhioDerailment #EastPalestineDerailment
#petebuttigieg #norfolksouthernderailment #ohioderailment #eastpalestinederailment
#EPA Orders #NorfolkSouthern to Clean Rail Disaster Site #NorfolkSouthernDerailment #OhioTrainDerailment #politicaliq #news #politics
#epa #norfolksouthern #norfolksouthernderailment #ohiotrainderailment #politicaliq #News #politics
Buttigieg says he’ll visit #EastPalestine ‘when the time is right,’ lays out new rail safety efforts #EastPalestineTrainDisaster #Environmental #Pollution #EPA #NorfolkSouthernDerailment
#eastpalestine #eastpalestinetraindisaster #environmental #pollution #epa #norfolksouthernderailment
"The “good old days” were terrible. There was so much wrong with them. Women and minority groups were oppressed, and there was blatant discrimination, but workers had real wage-earning power."
#workers #norfolksouthernderailment
odds that the goal of their *controlled burn* was to destroy evidence that could have been legally used against them later? #EastPalestine #OhioTrainDisaster #Ohio #OhioRiverPlume #NorfolkSouthernDerailment #EPA #FireSecretaryPete
RT @nscorp
CEO Alan Shaw’s letter to the East Palestine community: “I know you have questions about whether Norfolk Southern will be here to help make things right...We are here and will stay here for as long …
#eastpalestine #ohiotraindisaster #ohio #ohioriverplume #norfolksouthernderailment #epa #firesecretarypete
neither @JoeBiden nor @PeteButtigieg care #NorfolkSouthernDerailment
RT @JMBorchardt
About 180,000 gallons of hazardous chemicals and water have been pulled from the Ohio train derailment site in East Palestine, Norfolk Southern said in a Monday report to the Ohio EPA.