Will #norfolksouthern actually do the right thing for the residents of East Palestine and the surrounding areas???
"Last year it [Norfolk Southern] reported a record operating income of $4.8 billion, and a net income of $3.3 billion, up about 9% from a year earlier. It had $456 million in cash on hand on its books as of December 31."
#EastPalestine #norfolksoutherndisaster #eastpalestinedisaster #environmentaljustice
#norfolksouthern #eastpalestine #norfolksoutherndisaster #eastpalestinedisaster #environmentaljustice
Hey friends and followers, if you don't know, I'm a member of the Socialist Rifle Association and I reside in Ohio. My chapter is joining with another Ohio SRA chapter and a bunch of other real good groups and folks to raise funds to provide needed goods and other relief to residents in East Palestine and other areas affected by the Norfolk Southern train derailment chemical disaster. #mutualaid #eastpalestineoh #norfolksoutherndisaster
#MutualAid #eastpalestineoh #norfolksoutherndisaster
A $1 million “charitable fund” to help 4,700 people works out to a little over $200 a person.
Where is East Palestine’s Erin Brockovich?
Is that what NS would have offered Flint residents if they were responsible for the water crisis there?
Don’t let corporations police themselves.
#norfolksouthern #norfolksoutherndisaster #eastpalestine
What happened in #eastpalestine was #murder, committed by #norfolksouthern and the bootlicking worms in Congress. They’ve poisoned East Palestine and hundreds of square miles around it for *generations*, and they’ve done so purely for their own personal profit.
The #norfolksoutherndisaster wasnt an accident, it was intentional. There’s only one result of undercutting safety regulations like this, and this is it.
#eastpalestine #murder #norfolksouthern #norfolksoutherndisaster
Today we are spamming the transportation secretary about #norfolksouthern #norfolksoutherndisaster — if you are in the US please join us in this fun activity.
“What are you doing to prevent this from happening again?”
“Will you make a statement on reinstating depreciated safety measures?”
“How can I find out what dangerous trains are in my area?”
Pete Buttigieg
US Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
United States
1 (202) 366-4000
8:30am-5:00pm EST
#norfolksouthern #norfolksoutherndisaster
NEW VIDEO: The Chemical Disaster in East Palestine, Ohio [10min] - <Premiering now>
#EastPalestineIncident #EastPalestineIncident #norfolksoutherndisaster #NorfolkSouthern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCqu5oMxTZg
#eastpalestineincident #norfolksoutherndisaster #norfolksouthern
New video premieres in 49 minutes (8:10 p.m. Eastern) The Chemical Disaster in East Palestine, Ohio [10 min]
#eastpalestine #eastpalestineohio #EastPalestineIncident #trainderailment #NorfolkSouthern #norfolksoutherndisaster
#eastpalestine #eastpalestineohio #eastpalestineincident #trainderailment #norfolksouthern #norfolksoutherndisaster
Q for media: a) where did derailed East Palestine hazardous, toxic chemical train cars originate and b) what were destination(s), i.e., in which largely populated areas might the disaster have been worse, perhaps sickened or killed many people, done even more environmental damage?
If you have authoritative answer
about chemical railcar origin, destination, please update
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Ohio_train_derailment or add comment on Talk page
#norfolksouthern #EastPalestine #derailment #norfolksoutherndisaster
#norfolksoutherndisaster #derailment #eastpalestine #norfolksouthern
the capitalists are always ready to tell you what your life is actually worth to them #norfolksoutherndisaster
RT @Phil_Lewis_
Norfolk Southern, the railway company responsible for an apocalyptic plume of gas rose over East Palestine, Ohio, has offered a $25,000 donation to assist the area’s nearly 5,000 residents who were ordered to evacuate their homes, or face death https://finance.yahoo.com/news/norfolk-southern-giving-25-000-…