of my summer research leave: I started the day following up on the automatic transcription of the print of the from 1678. We have transcribed 25 example pages and are now training with the model from the National Library of Norway. Our goal: a CER <2.0. Let's see if we can reach that! The book is 300 pages and includes the and the , a form of popular limericks.

#day8 #Transkribus #danish #ethicacomplementoria #norfraktur #tranchierbuch #leberreime

Last updated 1 year ago

Good news on a Friday! My application for a small research project got accepted. I will hire an assistant to work on my of the Danish translation of the from 1678 & its German source. We will use for automated text recognition, hoping to improve the multilingual model from the Norwegian National Library . We're then preparing the data for a bilingual, parallel edition, published w/ bokselskap.no in

#DigitalScholarlyEdition #ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #htr #norfraktur #diamondopenaccess

Last updated 1 year ago

Hei hei! It's Wednesday again, and I am back at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History doing ! Today, I am working on tuning layout detection for a C17th German print of the . This will be part of my bilingual of this book and its translation. For the Danish print, I will reuse and improve the model from the National Library of Norway. Looking forward!!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #Transkribus #ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #danish #norfraktur

Last updated 2 years ago