#Day8 of my summer research leave: I started the day following up on the #Transkribus automatic transcription of the #Danish print of the #EthicaComplementoria from 1678. We have transcribed 25 example pages and are now training with the #NorFraktur model from the National Library of Norway. Our goal: a CER <2.0. Let's see if we can reach that! The book is 300 pages and includes the #Tranchierbuch and the #Leberreime, a form of popular limericks.
#day8 #Transkribus #danish #ethicacomplementoria #norfraktur #tranchierbuch #leberreime
Good news on a Friday! My application for a small research project got accepted. I will hire an assistant to work on my #DigitalScholarlyEdition of the Danish translation of the #EthicaComplementoria from 1678 & its German source. We will use #Transkribus for automated text recognition, hoping to improve the multilingual #HTR model from the Norwegian National Library #NorFraktur. We're then preparing the data for a bilingual, parallel edition, published w/ bokselskap.no in #DiamondOpenAccess
#DigitalScholarlyEdition #ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #htr #norfraktur #diamondopenaccess
Hei hei! It's Wednesday again, and I am back at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History doing #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO! Today, I am working on tuning #Transkribus layout detection for a C17th German print of the #EthicaComplementoria. This will be part of my bilingual #DigitalScholarlyEdition of this book and its #Danish translation. For the Danish print, I will reuse and improve the #NorFraktur model from the National Library of Norway. Looking forward!!
#researchsupportpartnershipuio #Transkribus #ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #danish #norfraktur