Tin Roof Blues, first recorded by the New Orleans Rhythm Kings 100 years ago today, 13 March 1923
"That Da Da Strain" recorded by the New Orleans Rhythm Kings 100 years ago today, 13 March 1923.
I cofounded Brick City Mutual Aid nearly 3 years ago now. We’ve given our more than $40k in critical aid back to the community. Groceries and hot food to targeted and vulnerable communities across the Newark area. We’ve helped housing organizing. We’ve done naloxone trainings and distributions. We’ve done crisis interventions. And so on…
We are not a non-profit for the safety and integrity of our people and our project. This also means every single dollar you donate goes right back into the community.
Please consider a donation, and retoots are free.
#mutualaid #brickcity #bcma #newark #nork #newjersey #nj #solidarity
#MutualAid #brickcity #BCMA #newark #nork #newjersey #nj #solidarity