@_L1vY_ Good Eve, @jessicawildfire has a piece on #normalcybias Unfortunately, it’s a thing. In my opinion, worth reading.
Such a good, short piece on #NormalcyBias. It made me think about #Grenfell, where so many died because they were told to stay in their flats and they did.
As part of “docile mode” is doing what are you told, the content of authoritative messaging is key: During #Covid most people obeyed lockdown rules. We don’t have any messaging or instructions along those lines about #ClimateCrisis . Gov message is #BusinessAsUsual. No wonder majority don’t take it seriously.
#normalcybias #grenfell #covid #ClimateCrisis #businessasusual
Quelle Giegold im Dezember 2021, https://yewtu.be/X-D_P4PqM-c?t=2984, wo er sich bei 49:44 ff "dagegen wehrt", das Nötiggewordene für einen 1.5ºC-Pfad zu tun, obwohl er grad vorher analysiert hat, dass nur "zentrale Steuerung", Manpower-Umschichtung – Stichwort Handwerker, generell der Boomer-Knick –, Triage in industrieller Fertigung (Energie- u Rohstoffmangel) und Sach-Rationen (Konsum, Mobilität) überhaupt nur noch die Einhaltung von Paris samt Rettung der Zivilisation garantieren kann.
Es zu wissen und sich 'dagegen zu wehren' – was ist das? #Klima Verleugnung. Denial. #NormalcyBias.
Wie die Frau oben im Artikel an 9/11 auf einem noch unbetroffenen Stockwerk, die weiter Sachen für den Chef kopierte, weil ihr Mind nicht darauf klarkam, was gerade an Ungeheuerlichem passiert war und was sie deshalb jetzt tun musste, denn das wich zu sehr vom Gewohntem ab.
Bis sie jemand anschrie:
Man will Giegold und alle #Grüne #FDP #SPD #CDU #CSU schütteln und anschreien:
#klima #normalcybias #grune #fdp #spd #cdu #csu
Jau. https://www.wahlrecht.de/umfragen/ Menschen wollen belogen werden, damit sie selbst jetzt nix ändern müssen. #Klima #Heizung #Habeck #Wahlumfragen
#NormalcyBias, hier schön erklärt https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy
Besonders die Frau im World Trade Center an 9/11, die sich nicht entscheiden konnte, die Treppe runter zu gehen, im Großbüro rumwuselte und lieber noch Sachen für den Chef kopieren wollte, weil das Nötiggwordene so sehr vom Gewohnten abwich, dass ihr Mind beschloss, Normalitätssimulation ist die adäquate Reaktion..
Bis jemand sie persönlich anschrie:
Die Frau würde heute auch #CDU #CSU #FDP #SPD wählen – UND den #Grünen glauben, dass Markt und Preissignale noch ausreichen, um Zivilisationskollaps zu verhindern.
Wie Giegold 2021 erklärt, sind zwar Sachrationen, Manpower-Umschichtung und Triage in industrieller Fertigung nötig, aber 'Dagegen wehre ich mich!" Heißt: "Ich will lieber noch Sachen für den Chef kopieren"
#klima #heizung #habeck #wahlumfragen #normalcybias #cdu #csu #fdp #spd #grunen
Normalitätsverzerrung, oder: Warum es mit der Welt den Bach 'runter geht?
Habe diesen spannenden Artikel mal aus dem Vogelkäfig befreit 😉
#Normalitätsverzerrung #NormalcyBias #Normalität
#normalitat #normalcybias #normalitatsverzerrung
People sneering at weather terms like "bomb cyclone" acting like journalists made it up to scare us, or dismissing current weather events as "perfectly normal" but, at the same time, believe in the reality of the climate crisis:
Your left hand needs to start talking to your right hand.
David Pepper should be in charge of the Democratic Party. We need fighters. Not the “normalcy biased.”
#facism #normalcybias #accountability #uspolitics
On Normalcy Bias by @jessicawildfire
"A disturbingly large portion of the public seems totally unmoved by stories of children dying in hospitals.
Many of us have struggled to understand how tens of millions of decent people could possibly act like this. Normalcy bias explains everything. Like it or not, they’re doing what their brains have evolved to do."
#massinfection #normalcybias #sarscov2 #covid19 #Pandemic
Imagine being a tech journalist reporting on #Musk and getting so thoroughly blind-sided by him like this.
Folks, take this as a lesson in #NormalcyBias. The only thing stopping people like Elon Musk has been their assumption that they couldn’t get away with it. #Trump has completely shattered that assumption and we’re all about to live through the consequences of dozens of would-be Napoleons and Alexanders far more capable than Trump.
Vielleicht kennt Ihr die #Normalitätsverzerrung bzw. den #NormalcyBias alle schon; aber falls nicht: Diesen Artikel lesen. (Und falls doch: auch.)
#KlimaKrise #Normalitätssimulation
#normalitatssimulation #KlimaKrise #normalcybias #normalitatsverzerrung
Ich crossposte, um Leuten in Erinnerung zu rufen, wo ich jetzt bin. Quasi als Werbung.
Das hier https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy zu #NormalcyBias und warum die Mehrheit der Leute angesichts von Gefahr erst handeln, wenn man sie anbrüllt "Lauf weg!!", trifft hier wohl auch zu.
Ich stelle mir vor, dass alle Bird-Migranten zu den wenigen % gehören, die selbst weglaufen. Und fast alle, die noch aktiv bleiben, zu der Mehrheit gehören, die man anschreien muss:
Governments r waiting for other governments to begin. They all suffer the #NormalcyBias: pretending the very real threat to civilisation itself goes away if they just stay put and weather it out. Or if they wait until someone else begins or yells "GET OUT!" Like the lady on 9/11 in this brilliant insight https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy as to why we won't act collectively.
Sole solution: Citizens in 1 country in G-North begin to pull a Churchill. Then global spread starts
Thank you!
Tested a little now and found you can't tweet URL anymore to fediscience.org as a whole,
and the suffix
also as a whole.
What a pig. Outrageous infringement of free, open public discourse and affront to science and #scicomm in particular.
Now I guess, 70% of the Birdsite users, including 70% of scientists won't act but pretend everything will go back to normal if they just stay put and weather it out.
Brilliant wrt #NormalcyBias: https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy
@c_ozwei @steurer
Merci für's Taggen! Komischerweise ist Dein Toot nicht mit dem von Reinhard verbunden, sondern steht ganz allein für sich da. (Musste manuelle nach dem Toot suchen, auf den Du Dich beziehst.)
Der Clou an der Collage ist ja, dass es alles Prognosen für "by 2030" sind.
Die betreffen UNS. BALD.
Hab ich gemacht, damit der #NormalcyBias in der Klimabubble selbst vll mal aufhört.
Hier hab ich auf Reinhards Toot geantwortet https://norden.social/@anlomedad_real/109524354592406507 (wie Du siehst, Dein Toot fehlt)
wonderful! Thank you,
@jessicawildfire for this great insight on #NormalcyBias and why 70% of the population !won't! act in line w/ the threat.
The remaining 30% will have to work around them to save Titanic from sinking suddenly and irreparably? Phew! https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/its-not-cool-to-overreact-how-normalcy
I find 30% too optimistic wrt #EcoClimateClusterfuck. Eg., #Greengrowth-ism and #hopism are common & contagious in the climate bubble.
These are the ONLY ones who get it: #LastGen #JuststopOil #ScientistRebellion
#normalcybias #ecoclimateclusterfuck #GreenGrowth #hopism #LastGen #juststopoil #ScientistRebellion
We think people panic during a crisis.
Actually, most do the opposite.
In 1977, two planes collided above a runway. A handful of passengers climbed out of the ruptured hull. Everyone else burned alive. It wasn’t because they were injured. They were all wide awake. They just couldn’t get moving.
They didn’t want to panic.
#Panic #Climate #Emergency #Response #NormalcyBias #Normal #Crisis #Covid
𝐍𝐎! 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞!
Photo by Mike Newbry https://unsplash.com/@mikenewbry
#panic #climate #emergency #response #normalcybias #normal #crisis #COVID
Stay cool during a disaster. A docile crowd is easier to control.
>>We think people panic during a crisis.
Actually, most do the opposite.<<
#NormalcyBias #Denial #ClimateChange #COVID
#normalcybias #denial #climatechange #covid
The "learning to live with it" line that people say about #Covid is most often used in the most idiotic of ways. They mean "ignore it".
You don't ignore the pandemic, just like you don't ignore aggressive wasps or rabid coyotes living nearby. You "live with them" in the sense of taking adequate precautions and safety measures to not end-up horribly mangled & dead.
And if you can by some miracle get rid of them? Well you do.
#COVID #carefulness #security #idiocy #normalcybias #stupidity
Watch out for... Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings.
1. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects.
2. The normalcy bias causes many people to not adequately prepare for natural disasters, market crashes, and calamities caused by human error. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster.