RT @VetoFeministe@twitter.com
Quand on nous demande de nous couvrir parce qu'on allaite en public. #NormalizeBreastFeeding #FreeTheBoobs
#normalizebreastfeeding #freetheboobs
“You are not a milk factory. As you feed, your child's heart rate slows, their attachment hormones spike, their microbiome is nourished and their brain falls into a deep, restorative calm, much like adult brains do during meditation...
"You are a hero.”
incredible words by @feminin_botanik
#breastfeeding #normalizebreastfeeding #breastmilk #oxytocin #attachment #wellbeing
#wellbeing #attachment #oxytocin #breastmilk #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeeding
“You are not a milk factory. As you feed, your child's heart rate slows, their attachment hormones spike, their microbiome is nourished and their brain falls into a deep, restorative calm, much like adult brains do during meditation...
"You are a hero.”
incredible words by @feminin_botanik
#breastfeeding #normalizebreastfeeding #breastmilk #oxytocin #attachment #wellbeing
#wellbeing #attachment #oxytocin #breastmilk #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeeding
Le monde est a ce point saturé de connard pour qu'on soit obligé de légiférer ? #normalizebreastfeeding
#NormaliseAllaitement #normalizebreastfeeding