“Oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man! Oh God, oh man, oh God!”
Ryan O’Neal in Tough Guys Don’t Dance
#toughguysdontdance #mailer #normanmailer #ryanoneal
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#toughguysdontdance #mailer #normanmailer #ryanoneal #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
Salute to this headline for #PhilipMartin's review of the new #NormanMailer bio.
#philipmartin #normanmailer #puns
“The cop tries to solve his violence by blanketing it with a uniform. That is virtually a commonplace, but it explains why cops will put up with poor salary, public dislike, uncomfortable working conditions and a general sense of bad conscience. They know they are lucky, they know they are getting away with a successful solution to the criminality they can taste in their blood…he can tolerate little in the way of insult, and virtually no contradiction” #NormanMailer #TyreNichols #Memphis
#memphis #tyrenichols #normanmailer
What's up with all the Norman Mailer apologies all of a sudden? Sam Sacks today in the WSJ. David Denby in the New Yorker two weeks ago. The bizarre thing about these "reconsiderations" is that the critics seem embarrassed to be rereading him, but lack the courage to DESCRIBE this. Look, let's face the facts. Mailer was an interesting nonfiction writer and a silly and fatuous fiction writer. The only book of his I would defend is THE ARMIES OF THE NIGHT. But the rest? Ridiculous.
Gore Vidal nailed what's so wrong about THE NAKED AND THE DEAD: "Yet every time I got going in the narrative I would find myself stopped cold by a set of made-up, predictable characters taken not from life, but from the same novels all of us had read, and informed by a naïveté which was at its worst when Mailer went into his Time-Machine and wrote those passages which resemble nothing so much as smudged carbons of a Dos Passos work."
James Jones is SO much better