#Maine leaders say they won’t tolerate #NeoNazi paramilitary camp in Springfield
by Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli August 9, 2023
"After reading a Bangor Daily News article about former U.S. Marine Christopher Pohlhaus building a neo-Nazi encampment in Penobscot County, Sen. Joe Baldacci, D-Bangor, wrote Tuesday on social media it is 'time for the Governor, the Attorney General of Maine, the Penobscot County District Attorney, and the U.S. Attorney to work on shutting these #Nazis down and sending this guy back to #Texas.'
"Since last year, #Pohlhaus has been inviting white male followers to move to Maine and especially to his 10.6-acre property in Springfield to help him clear land for cabins and train for what he calls a violent war. Pohlhaus’ Springfield project is an example of organized #extremism taking root in Maine."
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#maine #neonazi #nazis #texas #pohlhaus #extremism #antifa #antinazi #noroomforhateinourstate