In het #Flevoziekenhuis in #Almere is het #norovirus uitgebroken. Op de afdeling Cardiologie worden er daarom geen nieuwe patiënten opgenomen. Ze worden tijdelijk op andere afdelingen verpleegd, meldt het ziekenhuis.
Het Flevoziekenhuis heeft een aantal maatregelen genomen om verdere verspreiding van het norovirus tegen te gaan. Patiënten die besmet zijn met het norovirus worden in aparte kamers verpleegd.
#binnenland #nieuws #norovirus #almere #Flevoziekenhuis
Mat, I sort of know you're ill and just want to go back to bed but look how lovely the park is!
I mean, it is lovely, but also wet and I really don't have energy today
#DogsOfMastodon #Ridley #Norovirus
#dogsofmastodon #ridley #norovirus
Gizmodo: People Are Back to Puking on Cruise Ships as Norovirus Outbreaks Reach 10-Year High #disasteraccident #cruiseship #norovirus #vomiting #pandemic
#disasteraccident #cruiseship #norovirus #vomiting #pandemic
Gizmodo: Watch: Chipotle's New Kitchen Robot Can Peel and Core 25lbs of Avocados In Half the Time It Takes a Human #cuisineofthewesternunitedstates #chipotlemexicangrill #mexicancuisine #texmexcuisine #davidgoodell #guacamole #norovirus #chipotle #avocado #robot #cobot
#cuisineofthewesternunitedstates #chipotlemexicangrill #mexicancuisine #texmexcuisine #davidgoodell #guacamole #norovirus #chipotle #avocado #robot #cobot
It’s summer and that means disturbing swim advisories. Here’s our top 5 - Enlarge / A 2-year-old enjoys the spray of water in a splash pad in Los... - #healthdepartment #clevelandclinic #e.colio157 #norovirus #shigella #science #giardia #health #crypto #safety #lakes #water #pool #cdc
#cdc #pool #water #lakes #safety #crypto #health #giardia #science #shigella #norovirus #e #clevelandclinic #healthdepartment
#Norovirus is a very contagious virus that can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Anyone can get infected and sick with norovirus.
Wash your hands to prevent norovirus. Learn more about norovirus and ways to prevent it:
#Norovirus is a very contagious virus that can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Anyone can get infected and sick with norovirus, but washing your hands can help to prevent it.
Learn more about norovirus and ways to prevent it: #PublicHealth
Unsure we'll feel up to watching #children tomorrow since their mom must work (no sick pay), father feels too sick to deal w/ #kids, who have recovered enough to be pesky. I can now be upright for 2 hours without needing to lie down again. Yesterday tolerated herbal tea, #bubbespickles, and soup. Spouse feels worse overall but managed coffee& brekkie. I've been without #coffee x3days. Am I done w/coffee after 50+ years? #childcare #grandparenting #norovirus #ifi'mreallynicecanigobacktoparis?
#children #kids #bubbespickles #coffee #childcare #grandparenting #norovirus #ifi
Mijn moeder heeft dezelfde klachten als ik eerder deze week, en ik ben nog steeds niet weer helemaal fit. Blijkt dat het #norovirus weer eens rondwaart. Alleen hebben wij elkaar al weken niet live gezien, dus ik heb haar niet besmet. En ik heb het zelf dus vermoedelijk via de bezorger van de boodschappen want verder heb ik de afgelopen weken geen hond gezien. En dan heb ik nog steeds een mondneusmasker, meters afstand en handen wassen na alles wat ik aanpak van buitenaf hoog in het vaandel.
Behind again on #TWiVTLDR, but here’s May 11!
Trial for #norovirus bivalent #vaccine 6mo-4yo kids underway! The trial is looking at antibody response and safety. Cause who needs kids puking everywhere every winter? Nobody! 😅 1/
Wash your hands to prevent #norovirus. Learn more:
#norovirus #publichealth #handwashing
@exador23 The only thing that's undetectable here is #monkeypox. #COVID19 seems to be holding pretty steady.
Flu is increasing, which is unexpected for May. #Norovirus is pretty high, which is also surprising.
#norovirus #COVID19 #monkeypox
#Norovirus cases are now figuratively past the moon: “Are we on a mission to Mars? It just keeps going up! What is it about washing your hands that people seem to be not interested in it??” 😅 4/
A new approach of vaccinating against the norovirus has been found by attaching to it a protein of an unrelated harmless strain of a virus for which effective vaccines exist. See #norovirus #vaccine
Moderna announces new vaccine candidates against Lyme disease and norovirus — Merck KGaA's multiple sclerosis drug hit with partial FDA hold — Sanofi, AstraZeneca and Sobi simplify Beyfortus agreements ahead of US launch -- See more on our front page news #moderna #vaccines #mrna #lymedisease #norovirus #ms #multiplesclerosis #merckkgaa #fda #sanofi #rsv #astrazeneca #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
#moderna #vaccines #mrna #lymedisease #norovirus #ms #multiplesclerosis #merckkgaa #FdA #Sanofi #RSV #astrazeneca #pharma #pharmanews #biotech #biopharma #biotechnology #cafepharma
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: New approach targets #norovirus, world's leading cause of foodborne infection @WUSTLmedschool @PNASNews
#WastewaterMonitoring in #LosAngeles shows #Covid levels low & continue a slow decline. Still no #Flu at all. #RSV steady at low levels. #HMPV and #norovirus have had significant declines from peak levels, but still somewhat high.
I wonder if the endless parade of storms equates to fewer public interactions on a scale significant enough to influence viral transmissions.
#wastewatermonitoring #losangeles #covid #flu #rsv #hmpv #norovirus
I just "called out" for tomorrow. Well, I texted my D.O.N.
I hate stomach bugs. I have not had a virus in about 3 years. I take all the vaccines and wearing masks at work and all stores has really kept me safe.
I read that if one hasn't had #Norovirus in a couple years, we are more likely to get it. My immunity is down.
Now I'm going read up on how I got it.
Another doctor wrote in to point out that there’s SOME kinds of alcohol #HandSanitizers that can kill #norovirus. “#Chipotle and some cruise lines” use them, apparently. The hosts joked that all hand sanitizers should be reformulated to do this! 13/13
#handsanitizers #norovirus #chipotle #twivtldr
Dr. Griffin told a very harrowing story about a hospitalized #norovirus patient who ended up vomiting so hard he tore his esophagus, so I think I had a really minor case! 😳 #WashYourHands with soap and water!!!! (Husband is still noro-free! 🤞🏻) 6/
#norovirus #washyourhands #twivtldr