Jami · @JamiJR
32 followers · 324 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

I "love" how the same (always white) who try to steal from closed practices claiming there's "no such thing as a closed practice" also turn around & try to claim - which is an OPEN practice - is closed to & + Honestly, I think we need to start calling these Karens KLANrens instead. And yes, I mean this as a gender neutral term as men can be Karens/Klanrens too.

#karens #norsepaganism #poc #LGBTQA

Last updated 2 years ago

Em :ma: :mun: · @Em
241 followers · 1054 posts · Server pagan.plus

so I thought about the custom of hanging a troll cross above the door. It is meant to prevent trolls, evil spirits and curses/ illnesses from entering the home.

Hanging the cross on the inside of your flat would mean that it keeps the bad things in by preventing it from leaving the door since trolls are used to avoid iron.

Hanging it on the outside on the other hand brings the wished results.

#heathenry #norsepaganism #FolkMagic #folkbelief

Last updated 2 years ago

Noordjonge ™ :mastodon: · @noordjonge
327 followers · 183 posts · Server mastodon.social

Der Weltenbaum und der Allvater Odin symbolisieren die Verbindung von Himmel und Erde, Göttern und Menschen, Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Sie stehen für die unendliche Weisheit und das ewige Leben.

#yggdrasil #norsemythology #norsepaganism

Last updated 2 years ago

Noordjonge ™ :mastodon: · @noordjonge
326 followers · 155 posts · Server mastodon.social

Hört, der Wind da draußen, erzählt eine Geschichte.

der Weltenbaum, dessen Wurzeln reichen sehr tief in die Erde und seine Krone berührt den Himmel. In Asgard, dem Reich der Götter, lebt der einäugige Göttervater und der mächtige Donnergott Thor. Vor ihrem Wohnort in , versammeln sich die Götter in Valhalla.

#yggdrasil #odin #asgard #paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology #photography #norsepagan #NorseGod

Last updated 2 years ago

Hört, der Wind da draußen, erzählt eine Geschichte.

der Weltenbaum, dessen Wurzeln reichen sehr tief in die Erde und seine Krone berührt den Himmel. In Asgard, dem Reich der Götter, lebt der einäugige Göttervater und der mächtige Donnergott Thor. Vor ihrem Wohnort in , versammeln sich die Götter in Valhalla.

Hier nehmen sie die Anbetungen und Huldigungen der Menschen entgegen, die den Göttern Stärke und Leben schenkten. Von aus blickt der Göttervater Odin auf die drei Reiche der Erde und schickt seine Raben aus, um ihm Neues aus fernen Ländern zuzutragen.

#yggdrasil #odin #asgard #valhalla #paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology #photography #norsepagan #norsegod

Last updated 2 years ago

Hört, der Wind da draußen, erzählt eine Geschichte.

Hört, der Wind da draußen, erzählt eine Geschichte. der Weltenbaum, dessen Wurzeln reichen sehr tief in die Erde und seine Krone berührt den Himmel. In Asgard, dem Reich der Götter, lebt der einäugige Göttervater und der mächtige Donnergott Thor. Vor ihrem Wohnort in Asgard, versammeln sich die Götter in Valhalla.

Hier nehmen sie die Anbetungen und Huldigungen der Menschen entgegen, die den Göttern Stärke und Leben schenkten. Von aus blickt der Göttervater Odin auf die drei Reiche der Erde und schickt seine Raben aus, um ihm Neues aus fernen Ländern zuzutragen.

#yggdrasil #odin #valhalla #paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology

Last updated 2 years ago

Im Leben ist es wichtig, sich selbst treu zu bleiben und für die Werte und Prinzipien einzustehen, an die man glaubt. Es geht darum, die eigene Identität und Kultur zu feiern und zu respektieren. Dies bedeutet, Gerechtigkeit, Respekt und Gleichheit zu schätzen und die Natur und die Welt um uns herum zu respektieren.

Es ist auch wichtig, die dunklen Ecken unserer Seele zu erkunden und uns selbst zu hinterfragen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir wahrhaftig und ehrlich zu uns selbst und den Göttern und Göttinnen sind. Wir müssen bereit sein, uns für das einzusetzen, woran wir glauben, und uns nicht von Zweifeln oder Ängsten aufhalten lassen. Es geht darum, unsere innere Stärke und Mut zu beweisen und die Götter und Göttinnen auf eine Art und Weise zu ehren, die uns tief im Inneren zufriedenstellt und uns dazu inspiriert, unsere größte Version von uns selbst zu sein.

Wir müssen bereit sein, die Herausforderungen anzunehmen und uns selbst zu verändern, um das "nordische" Heidentum zu werden, das wir tief im Inneren sein wollen.

#photography #norsepaganism #lifelessons #norsemythology

Last updated 2 years ago

Norse heathens made their own good use of 'Viking,' I want to use 'Barbarian' just as much for us whose cult lie on the continent. 🔨

#heathenry #pagan #norse #norsepaganism #norseheathenry #germanicpagan

Last updated 2 years ago

Yvonne Aburrow 🌻 · @vogelbeere
646 followers · 1087 posts · Server nerdculture.de

I’ve been seeing people celebrating the last few years and wondered where it came from all of a sudden, so I googled it and found this video which is a nice explanation of it, and a how-to guide


#sunwait #heathenry #norsepaganism #pagan #solstice #yule

Last updated 2 years ago

fox · @foxen
60 followers · 126 posts · Server pagan.plus

loki and odin likely arent blood brothers, but just straight up brothers.

ođinn is attested to have two brothers: villi and vé. they share a father: borr. odinn created mankind together with hoenir and lođurr in völuspá. hoenir and lođurr have been debated to also be different names for villi and vé, because the same creation myth is mentioned in gylfaginning, except mentioning ođinn with hoenir and lođurr instead of villi and vé, implying theyre the same gods.

likewise, lođurr has been proposed to be another name for loki, with odin being referred to as both "lođurr's friend" and "loptr (another kenning for loki)'s friend". odin also gets called "hoenir's friend", which seems to confirm the trio. loki being lođurr is a mostly accepted theory.

im not a scholar by any means and this toot is mostly a product of me frantically googling for the better part of an hour. maybe someone more well-read in norse mythos can join in on this conversation.
iirc the "blood brothers" thing popped up first in a book without any solid sources or reasoning and it just kind of took off from there. yes, loki and odin have taken an oath with each other (lokasenna), but that doesnt mean they werent related in the first place.

#norsemythology #norsemyth #paganism #lokean #loki #odin #heathenry #heathen #norsepaganism #NorsePagan

Last updated 2 years ago

Em :ma: :mun: · @Em
109 followers · 449 posts · Server pagan.plus

Heyhey, I am searching for people I can connect with in real life. I live in , and I'm interested in , practicing it myself (/ ).

So I might find some people to talk about it or find some wonderful places for religious practice.

I am so I might want to find people to organize with.

I'm also interested in , and their and I love unproblematic , , , and sometimes .

I'm pretty shy with new people so I just want to see what happens aaaaahhh

#punk #alternative #hardcorepunk #postrock #neofolk #lore #videogames #crafting #AntiFascist #heathenry #norsepaganism #polytheism #germany #hannover

Last updated 2 years ago

Jarred the Wyrd-Worker · @jarredh
214 followers · 250 posts · Server pagan.plus

The text is from my invocation to Freyja. In the lore, she is constantly being true to herself and embracing her own inner power. She is considerate of others, but does not bow to their demands either. Not even when they invoke "the greater good." She calls for us to similarly be our authentic selves in the face of pressure to conform to others' standards.

(The drawing of Freyja was made by Ludwig Pietsch (1824-1911) and is in the public domain.)

#SelfEmpowerment #norsepaganism #authenticity #freyja

Last updated 2 years ago

Ea Mar Ameth · @arcanassanctum
27 followers · 7 posts · Server pagan.plus

Hi everyone! New to Mastodon, largely originally from Twitter. Looking to follow people into: and corresponding tags!

#witchy #norsepaganism #paganism #spiritwork #demonolatry #witchcraft #magick

Last updated 2 years ago

Em :ma: :mun: · @Em
75 followers · 146 posts · Server pagan.plus

soo... to introduce myself:
I am Em, my pronouns are they/them and I am an exoteric with focus on and with interest in platonist theology, / in general and other cultures and gods.

I am strictly -fascist and an and I love doing creative stuff and diy things in general.

I really hope to connect with some old people from Twitter but also new people especially from if possible.

#germany #anarchist #anti #polytheism #paganism #hellenicpaganism #norsepaganism #polytheist

Last updated 2 years ago

Deb Merriam · @debmerriam
178 followers · 104 posts · Server mstdn.social

I’m an ex-academic living in amiskwaciwaskahikan (Edmonton , Treaty 6 territory) in what is currently part of Canada. I’m interested in , localism, & the movement. Alberta friends probably know me from my years with The Local Good, the organizers of Green Drinks Edmonton, Cash Mobs Edmonton, and founders of Edmonton Festival - or maybe from my vintage bicycle blog. friends, you might remember me as a mod of Solarpunkchat. I had to step away from a lot of projects to care for family during the pandemic (which isn’t over, friends). I’m also a maker; is my jam and I am also learning to spin with a drop-spindle and embroider. I’m also interested in and . I’m pan and a parent of LGBTQIA2S+ teens, and my pronouns are she/they. Kindness is not weakness.

#earthcentredspiritualities #nordicanimism #norsepaganism #runes #inclusiveheathenry #organicgardening #permaculture #rughooking #TextileArt #SolarPunk #resilience #transitiontowns #slowdesign #climatejustice #yeg #Introduction

Last updated 3 years ago