Heather is another graduate student that I advise at #NorthDakotaStateUniversity, funded by the #BureauofLandManagement
"I received my BS in #NaturalResources Management with a minor in #Biology at NDSU. I'm currently pursuing an MS in #Environmental and #Conservation #Sciences at NDSU. My current research is a #restoration project in NE #Montana that focuses on restoring #soil microbiota under an invasive #grass species. I love #hiking, #reading, and playing the #clarinet and bass #guitar!
#northdakotastateuniversity #bureauoflandmanagement #naturalresources #biology #environmental #conservation #sciences #restoration #montana #soil #grass #hiking #reading #clarinet #guitar
#Mathstodons I assume you are familiar with the #MathematicalGenealogyProject hosted by #NorthDakotaStateUniversity? https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/ #Histodons do you know of any comparable project about the history of another discipline? Or maybe this is an aspect of the #Sociology of modern #Mathematics?
#mathstodons #mathematicalgenealogyproject #northdakotastateuniversity #histodons #sociology #mathematics