Global News BC: Man missing after suspected shooting in Dawson Creek, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DawsonCreekShooting #davedomingomissing #NorthernBCcrime #davedomingo #DawsonCreek #MissingMan #northernBC #Shotsfired #Shooting #Missing #BCRCMP #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #dawsoncreekshooting #davedomingomissing #northernbccrime #davedomingo #dawsoncreek #MissingMan #northernBC #Shotsfired #shooting #missing #BCRCMP #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: 2 evacuation orders issued due to B.C. wildfires #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RegionalDistrictofBulkley-Nechako #BCWildfireService #EvacuationOrder #BcEvacuation #Environment #BCwildfires #BCWildfire #northernBC #Weather #Fire #bcws
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictofbulkley #bcwildfireservice #evacuationorder #bcevacuation #environment #BCwildfires #BCWildfire #northernBC #Weather #fire #bcws
Global News BC: ‘Our eyes and ears on the land’: Indigenous Guardians soar to 170 programs nation-wide #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IndigenousGuardians #Guardiansprogram #Indigenousland #ClimateChange #FirstNations #Environment #KaskaNation #Indigenous #northernBC #Wildfires #Metis #Yukon #IPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #IndigenousGuardians #guardiansprogram #indigenousland #climatechange #firstnations #environment #kaskanation #indigenous #northernBC #wildfires #Metis #yukon #ipca
Global News BC: Kelowna, B.C. firefighter returns home after helping Fort St. John crews battle wildfires #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Fireinformationofficer #KelownaFireDepartment #KamloopsFireCentre #kelownafirefighter #StoddartCreekfire #activewildfires #centralokanagan #RedCreekfire #BCWildfire #FortStJohn #northernBC #Okanagan #Wildfire #Weather #Kelowna #Canada #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fireinformationofficer #kelownafiredepartment #kamloopsfirecentre #kelownafirefighter #stoddartcreekfire #activewildfires #centralokanagan #redcreekfire #BCWildfire #fortstjohn #northernBC #okanagan #Wildfire #Weather #kelowna #Canada #fire
Global News BC: B.C. weather: Rain in long weekend forecast could temper northeast wildfires #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #raininwildfireforecast #StoddartCreekwildfire #peaceriverregion #ControlledBurn #MayLongWeekend #BCwildfires #FortSt.John #PeaceRegion #northernBC #BCweather #Weather #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #raininwildfireforecast #stoddartcreekwildfire #peaceriverregion #controlledburn #maylongweekend #BCwildfires #FortSt #PeaceRegion #northernBC #BCweather #Weather #Canada
Global News BC: Evacuation alerts issued for 2 more communities along Skeena River in Northern B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GitwangakFirstNation #BCevactuationalert #BCnaturaldisaster #evacuationalert #BcFloodAlert #BraunsIsland #SkeenaRiver #BCFlooding #northernBC #BCweather #BCFloods #Weather #BCFlood #Kitimat
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #gitwangakfirstnation #bcevactuationalert #bcnaturaldisaster #evacuationalert #bcfloodalert #braunsisland #skeenariver #BCFlooding #northernBC #BCweather #BCFloods #Weather #BCFlood #Kitimat
Growing up in the #NorthernBC community of #FortStJames, Erin Stagg was surrounded by #Carrier #culture & #learned all about it. At the same time, she found out very little about her own heritage.
Stagg is now an #interdisciplinary #artist who lives in #PrinceGeorge, about 160 kilometres southeast of her hometown. Last week, she was front & centre in the opening of her #NewExhibit at Prince George's #TwoRiversGallery
#northernBC #fortstjames #carrier #culture #learned #interdisciplinary #artist #PrinceGeorge #newexhibit #tworiversgallery #nativeart #indigenous #firstnations #canada #artshow
For years, #Gitxsan #artist #MichelleStoney has #created #art inspired by her #culture & #heritage , including jewelry, drums, graphic design, paintings and murals.
Now, she's #released a #DeckOfCards featuring Gitxsan imagery.
#Canada #IndigenousArt #FirstNations #NorthernBC #NativeArt #BritishColumbia #CoastalBC #FirstPeoples #Indigenous #FirstNationsArt #CulturalArt #TraditionalInspired #PlayingCards #NativeArtists #NativeCanadian #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia
#gitxsan #artist #michellestoney #created #art #culture #heritage #released #deckofcards #canada #Indigenousart #firstnations #northernBC #nativeart #britishcolumbia #coastalbc #firstpeoples #indigenous #firstnationsart #culturalart #traditionalinspired #playingcards #nativeartists #nativecanadian #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia
A #BritishColumbia #MassageTherapist who #refused to treat a #client because they were a #Muslim and they have a "bad reputation for raping and killing" has lost the first round of a #HumanRights complaint.
According to a March 8 #BCHumanRightsTribunal decision, Majid Shahadat booked a lymphatic massage treatment with the #NorthernSchoolOfMassage in 2019.
#FortStJohn #RacistAlert #Racism #AntiRacism #NorthernBC #Canada #StandUpAgainstRacists
#britishcolumbia #massagetherapist #refused #client #muslim #humanrights #bchumanrightstribunal #northernschoolofmassage #fortstjohn #racistalert #racism #antiracism #northernBC #canada #standupagainstracists
#PrinceRupert has around $600 million in #MunicipalDebt with half of that due to #water #infrastructure including a #DamProject the city hopes would reduce the number of #BoilAdvisories it's been seeing.
#Mayor Herb Pond said the $65-million #funding is the largest #investment #BCgovernment has made in the city.
#princerupert #municipaldebt #water #infrastructure #damproject #boiladvisories #mayor #funding #investment #bcgovernment #northernBC #britishcolumbia #canada #bcpoli
#NorthernBC residents recently participated in the 2023 #KawaskimhonMoot , a #court #competition that has #participants from nearly every #LawSchool in #Canada .
The competition took place earlier this month and was hosted by #UVIC #FacultyOfLaw.
#Kawaskimhon is a #nêhiyawêwin (#Cree #language) word that means “speaking with #knowledge .”
#northernBC #kawaskimhonmoot #court #competition #participants #lawschool #canada #uvic #facultyoflaw #kawaskimhon #nehiyawewin #cree #language #knowledge #legal #britishcolumbia #decolonization
Global News BC: Suspect arrested after woman found dead in Chetwynd, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #northernbcdomesticviolence #NorthDistrictRCMP #womandeadchetwynd #DomesticViolence #chetwyndrcmp #chetwyndbc #northernBC #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northernbcdomesticviolence #northdistrictrcmp #womandeadchetwynd #domesticviolence #chetwyndrcmp #chetwyndbc #northernBC #crime
Global News BC: Northern B.C. drug bust nets 23 arrests, seizure of guns, cash, vehicles, cigarettes #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Contrabandcigarettes #DrugTrafficking #DawsonCreek #CarsSeized #FortNelson #FortStJohn #GunsSeized #northernBC #DrugBust #BCCFSEU #Cocaine #Crime #CFSEU #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #contrabandcigarettes #DrugTrafficking #dawsoncreek #carsseized #FortNelson #fortstjohn #gunsseized #northernBC #DrugBust #bccfseu #cocaine #crime #CFSEU #RCMP
Global News BC: BC Assessment says home values up across Interior #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PropertyAssessmentNotices #BCInteriorAssessments #southerninterior #BCassessment #PrinceGeorge #BCInterior #northernBC #Kootenays #penticton #Kamloops #Okanagan #Kelowna #Canada #Vernon
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PropertyAssessmentNotices #BCInteriorAssessments #southerninterior #BCassessment #PrinceGeorge #BCInterior #northernBC #Kootenays #penticton #kamloops #okanagan #kelowna #Canada #Vernon
Global News BC: B.C. weather: Warnings for bitterly cold temperatures, snow stretch across province #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ExtremeColdWarning #EnvironmentCanada #SnowfallWarning #Weatherwarnings #ArcticOutflow #LowerMainland #FraserValley #northernBC #southcoast #BCweather #Kootenays #Okanagan #Weather #Cariboo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ExtremeColdWarning #EnvironmentCanada #SnowfallWarning #Weatherwarnings #ArcticOutflow #lowermainland #fraservalley #northernBC #southcoast #BCweather #Kootenays #okanagan #Weather #cariboo
The average #SingleFamily detached #home in #BritishColumbia uses 1,279 kilowatt-hours each month, according to #BCHydro .
The utility said the ##usage was driven by people trying to keep their homes warm. The #storm brought up to 30 centimetres of #snow to parts of #VancouverIsland & as much as 25 centimetres to the Lower Mainland, while blasting #NorthernBC with #dangerous temperatures as low as –40 C.
Roughly 7,000 people are still without power.
#singlefamily #home #britishcolumbia #bchydro #usage #storm #snow #vancouverisland #northernBC #dangerous #whiteout #blackout
Global News BC: B.C. weather: Cold temperatures in forecast, bitterly frigid in some places #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #bitterlycoldtemperatures #strongoutflowwinds #EnvironmentCanada #Sea-to-SkyHighway #SnowfallWarning #Weatherwarnings #MetroVancouver #CentralCoast #FraserValley #ArcticFront #northernBC #BCweather #Weather
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bitterlycoldtemperatures #strongoutflowwinds #EnvironmentCanada #sea #SnowfallWarning #Weatherwarnings #metrovancouver #centralcoast #fraservalley #ArcticFront #northernBC #BCweather #Weather