Brilliant night for #butterflies at the #NatureofScotland 2022 Awards in Edinburgh!UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme🦋📝 won the #CitizenScience category & Barry Prater of #ButterflyConservation ‘s East Scotland branch was recognised for his work championing the #NorthernBrownArgus🦋
🏆 Awards collected by the BC Scotland’s Anthony McCluskey & CEH’s Bjorn Beckmann (for UKBMS), and Apithanny Bourne & Ruben Singleton collected the #SpeciesChampion award on behalf of Barry Prater.🏆🦋🥂🍾✨Well done everyone!
#specieschampion #northernbrownargus #butterflyconservation #citizenscience #natureofscotland #butterflies