This is a detail from a larger panoramic (20"x119") photograph, "Battery of Switch Engines, Rice's Point Yard, #NorthernPacificRailway taken in 1914 in #Duluth, Minnesota by #PeterSchawang.
The picture is from the collection of the #UniversityOfMinnesota - Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library.
#minnesotahistory #steamlocomotive #northernpacific #trains #universityofminnesota #peterschawang #duluth #northernpacificrailway
This is a detail from a larger panoramic (20"x119") photograph, "Battery of Switch Engines, Rice's Point Yard, #NorthernPacificRailway taken in 1914 in #Duluth, Minnesota by Peter Schawang.
The picture is from the collection of the University of Minnesota - Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library.
#duluth #northernpacificrailway