Just imagine what if…
#Biden #China #Chokepoints #EmmanuelMacron #EU #EUrope #FromLisbontoVladivostok #Gas #GulfStates #IndoPacific #Italy #Johnson #Macron #Merkel #NorthernSeaRoute #Putin #Railways #RareMetals #Russia #Sarkozy #SuezCanal #UK #US #Vision
#vision #us #uk #SuezCanal #sarkozy #russia #raremetals #railways #putin #northernsearoute #merkel #macron #johnson #italy #indopacific #gulfstates #gas #fromlisbontovladivostok #europe #eu #emmanuelmacron #chokepoints #china #biden
Moscow has for years promoted the #NorthernSeaRoute. However, the East-West corridor is today clearly not developing into an attractive international trade route as envisioned.
In 2022, no foreign vessels, not even Chinese, sailed on the route. The only exception is the fleet of #LNG carriers that carry flags from Hong Kong, Cyprus and Bahamas and operate for Novatek’s Yamal LNG. (Barents Observer) #Arctic #energy #NSR https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/industry-and-energy/2022/12/no-foreign-vessels-sight-shipping-northern-sea-route-still-vibrant
#northernsearoute #lng #arctic #energy #nsr