If you're planning to travel by #ferry across the Cook Strait - from the North Island to the South Island or vice versa - in the next few weeks, make sure to check with the ferry companies if tickets are available.
👉 Bluebridge https://spaceship.nz/Bluebridge
👉 Interislander https://spaceship.nz/Interislander
#NewZealand #NieuwZeeland #Neuseeland #Wellington #Picton #NorthIsland #Southisland
#ferry #newzealand #nieuwzeeland #neuseeland #wellington #picton #northisland #southisland
Global News BC: Northern Vancouver Island residents hold rally amid rural health-care staffing issues https://globalnews.ca/news/9545287/northern-vancouver-island-health-care-staff-rally/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthVancouverIslandresidents #NorthernVancouverIsland #BChealthcareservices #bchealthcarestaffing #BChealthcarerally #BChealthcare #NorthIsland #PortMcNeill #AdrianDix #PortHardy #AlertBay #BChealth #BCRally #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northvancouverislandresidents #northernvancouverisland #bchealthcareservices #bchealthcarestaffing #bchealthcarerally #BChealthcare #northisland #portmcneill #AdrianDix #PortHardy #alertbay #BChealth #bcrally #health
Ready for the weekend?
Any time is a great time for a #roadtrip 🖖
Photo: Space Traveller Haydn 🤗
#roadtrip #newzealand #northisland #neuseeland #nieuwzeeland
Ran into folks who are staying in cottage beside us - while exploring #AliceLakeLoop #backroads ✌ Accepted invite to warm up by their #lakeside #campfire .
I chatted with the woman about how #OldGrowth has been clearcut on #VancouverIsland #NorthIsland - it's land of endless OG stumps 😪
#vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #nature #scenery #ice #Winter #landscape
#alicelakeloop #backroads #lakeside #campfire #oldgrowth #vancouverisland #northisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #nature #scenery #ice #winter #landscape
The #Philippines should send help. The Coast Guard's French-built #BRPGabrielaSilang would be perfect for this.
"Parts of New Zealand’s #NorthIsland, where about 75 percent of the country’s 5 million residents live, are enduring their second big storm in as many weeks. Record rains last month triggered flash floods in #Auckland and four people were killed."
#CycloneGabrielle: #NewZealand ‘open’ to international assistance | #DisasterRelief
#disasterrelief #newzealand #cyclonegabrielle #auckland #northisland #brpgabrielasilang #philippines
Global News BC: Island Health, province, and Port Hardy, B.C. doctor seemingly at odds regarding health-service issues https://globalnews.ca/news/9479500/island-health-province-and-port-hardy-b-c-doctor-seemingly-at-odds-regarding-health-service-issues/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IslandHealthemergencydepartments #NorthVancouverIsland #BChealthcarecrisis #BCMinistryofHealth #IslandHealthcare #Dr.AlexNataros #BChealthcare #IslandHealth #NorthIsland #PortMcNeill #AdrianDix #PortHardy #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #islandhealthemergencydepartments #NorthVancouverIsland #BChealthcarecrisis #BCMinistryofHealth #islandhealthcare #Dr #BChealthcare #IslandHealth #northisland #portmcneill #AdrianDix #PortHardy #BC
Global News BC: Emergency departments on northern Vancouver Island to open set hours for now https://globalnews.ca/news/9442448/emergency-departments-open-northen-vancouver-island/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthIslandhealthcare #porthardyhospital #HealthcareinBC #BChealthcare #NorthIsland #HealthCare #AdrianDix #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northislandhealthcare #porthardyhospital #healthcareinbc #BChealthcare #northisland #healthcare #AdrianDix #health
For #WaterfallWednesday, here's a pic from early 2016 of Haruru Falls on the Waitangi River, near Waitangi in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand.
#Waterfall #NewZealand #Waitangi #NorthIsland #NZ #BayOfIslands #Pahia
#pahia #bayofislands #nz #northisland #waitangi #newzealand #waterfall #waterfallwednesday
The Tyee: A Murky Forecast on the Central Coast (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/01/17/Murky-Forecast-Central-Coast/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #NorthIsland-PowellRiverNDPRachelBlaney #EnvironmentandClimateChangeCanada #VancouverIslandAirLarryLangford #VancouverIslandweatherstations #TransportationSafetyBoard #PortHardyweatherstations #ScottBeattyMarineLabs #JoelEilertsenAirCab #QueenCharlotteSound #CapeScottWaterTaxi #GeorgeBurroughs #DavidAtkinson #SartineIsland #RosieHoward
#BCNews #TheTyee #northisland #environmentandclimatechangecanada #vancouverislandairlarrylangford #vancouverislandweatherstations #TransportationSafetyBoard #porthardyweatherstations #scottbeattymarinelabs #joeleilertsenaircab #queencharlottesound #capescottwatertaxi #georgeburroughs #davidatkinson #sartineisland #rosiehoward