Old railways in Scotland:
Airdrie Leaend railway station was a station on the Ballochney Railway
#ScottishHistory #ScottishRailways #northlanarkshire
#ScottishHistory #scottishrailways #northlanarkshire
The mighty medieval Bothwell Castle, built on a bluff above a bend in the River Clyde. Construction began in the latter half of the 1200s but invasion and repeated siege meant that the original design of the castle was never completed. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/bothwell/bothwellcastle/index.html
#Scotland #Cumbernauld #CumbernauldVillage #NorthLanarkshire #Lanarkshire #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #Lanarkshire #northlanarkshire #cumbernauldvillage #cumbernauld #scotland
Cumbernauld village in North Lanarkshire, quite different from the usual image people have of Cumbernauld, one of five new towns developed across Scotland in the 1950s and 60s. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/cumbernauld/cumbernauld/index.html
#Scotland #Cumbernauld #CumbernauldVillage #NorthLanarkshire #Lanarkshire #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #Lanarkshire #northlanarkshire #cumbernauldvillage #cumbernauld #scotland
On the cold, cold, picket line again with colleagues in #northlanarkshire #payattention
#payattention #northlanarkshire
Forgot to include the event poster in yesterday’s post. Whit an eedjit!
Went quite well and my cunning plan for a jump scare worked a treat 😈
This could very well become an annual event #NorthLanarkshire #LibraryLife #TheMisadventuresOfABookMonkey #thethingswedotogetpeopleinthedoor
#thethingswedotogetpeopleinthedoor #themisadventuresofabookmonkey #librarylife #northlanarkshire
Something else for those in #NorthLanarkshire if you’re struggling with the #CostOfLiving , are on a low income, but not on/eligible for benefits.
#costofliving #northlanarkshire
Great to be at the first face to face North Lanarkshire Tenants' Conference since 2019, listening to our tenants and discussing their priorities.
#snpcouncillors #socialhousing #northlanarkshire
Great to meet the team at @routestowork in Coatbridge this morning and to hear about the fantastic work they do in delivering positive outcomes for local people.
If you're in North Lanarkshire and looking for support with regards to employment, they're well worth contacting!
#employmentsupport #northlanarkshire
Well hello there!
#indyref2 #WFI #WomenForIndependence #Airdrie #Coatbridge #NorthLanarkshire
#northlanarkshire #coatbridge #airdrie #womenforindependence #wfi #indyref2
Well hello there!
#indyref2 #WFI #WomenForIndependence #Airdrie #Coatbridge #NorthLanarkshire
#northlanarkshire #coatbridge #airdrie #womenforindependence #wfi #indyref2
Further to the #NorthLanarkshire #warmspace drop in places (& since the winter nip in the air has finally arrived) I’ve actually managed to find a page that’ll point folk to their nearest place.
#free tea and coffee and somewhere to bide a while that’s warm.
I would warn anyone to check the opening hours before they go though as some sites aren’t open every day.
#costofliving #free #warmspace #northlanarkshire
Loads of public buildings in #NorthLanarkshire are now officially designated as #WarmSpace drop-ins so unlimited free tea/coffee, plenty of seating. Sure it’s not cold enough yet, but there is no advertising of this free provision whatsoever. Nothing on the Council website, social media… nada. Uptake is limited to folk who already use the buildings.
Hoping this isn’t just an empty gesture that won’t keep up with demand when it’s really needed. #costofliving #energycrisis
#energycrisis #costofliving #warmspace #northlanarkshire