Waren es doch #Russland das #NorthStream2 gesprengt hat?
EGAL, wer auch immer das getan hat, hat #Europa einen riesengroßen gefallen getan. Auch wenn das viele jetzt noch nicht wahrhaben wollen. Aber die dadurch in Gang gesetzte Reduktion von Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas war wichtig. Nach anfänglicher Panik muss man aber den Weg der Reduktion des #Gasverbrauch konsequent weitergehen und nicht massenhaft Überkapazitäten für #LNG schaffen. Aber die #Gaslobby ist stark und hat in #FDP und #CDU / #CSU Politiker gefunden die ihr umweltzerstörerisches Spiel mitmachen. Gegen Geld oder sonstige Zuwendungen??? Weil so dumm kann doch niemand sein aktiv Politik zu betreiben um sich die eigene Lebensgrundlage zerstören zu lassen. Oder???
#Klimakrise, #Klimakatastrophe, #RausAusGas, #Korruption, #Freunderlwirtschaft, #Desinformation
#russland #northstream2 #europa #Gasverbrauch #lng #gaslobby #fdp #cdu #csu #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #rausausgas #korruption #freunderlwirtschaft #desinformation
🇬🇧|#NorthstreamSabotage not to be investigated: #Russia, #China & #Brazil failed in #UN Security Council with demand for independent investigation. The #NorthStream2 explosions was an 'act of war' - just by which side! #EU https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/moskau-scheitert-im-uno-sicherheitsrat-mit-forderung-nach-untersuchung-der-nord-stream-explosionen-n-100.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1645784514889646081
#NorthstreamSabotage #russia #China #brazil #UN #northstream2 #EU
Oh, now #Ukraine is supposed to have sabotaged #Northstream2? The Americans whispered it - of all things. It seems to be too tight for them. But what about motive and means?
Ukraine: Yes - No
Russia: No - Yes
USA: Yes - Yes
Just sayin'.
A very short remark on #SeymourHersh:
If something cannot be confirmed by at least TWO sources independent of each other, it's not a fact but a rumor.
Hersh is basing his claim that the #UnitedStates blew up #Northstream2 on only ONE anonymous source. No wonder no #media wanted to run this story.
No need to say a whole lot more about this. Too bad a former winner of the Pulitzer price is demolishing his own reputation by going full loonie at a high age.
#unitedstates #seymourhersh #northstream2 #media
George Friedman, il fondatore di Stratfor, nel 2015 ha definito “l’interesse primario” degli Stati Uniti: rompere “le relazioni tra Germania e Russia“. Anche per questo “ignorando il rischio di escalation, gli Stati Uniti hanno convinto la Germania a inviare i carri armati Leopard in Ucraina.
I ...
#29Gennaio #Esteri #editorpicks #Germania #NorthStream2
#northstream2 #germania #editorpicks #esteri #29gennaio
Und dieses trojanische 🎭🐴 Pferd #Klimastiftung steht noch immer in unserer demokratischen Burg, bezirpst uns mit süßer Förderung #northstream2 #lobbyEU #staatslobbyismus #Transparenz #mecklenburgvorpommern https://klimastiftung-mv.de/
#Klimastiftung #northstream2 #lobbyEU #staatslobbyismus #transparenz #mecklenburgvorpommern
Noam Chomsky hat eine klare Meinung, wer die Pipeline gesprengt hat. Spoiler: Nicht Russland.
#northstream2 #ukraine #putin.
Loud and clear admission. #G7Justice
RT @bmj_bund@twitter.com
We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contribution to the outbreak of war, said Federal Minister of Justice @MarcoBuschmann@twitter.com at #G7Justice.
RT @bmj_bund@twitter.com
We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contribution to the outbreak of war, said Federal Minister of Justice @MarcoBuschmann@twitter.com at #G7Justice.
❗️#NorthStream2 is Germany's contribution to resolving the war in Ukraine, - Germany's Minister of Justice
#northstream2 #RussiaUkraineWar
I appreciate honest and sober statement. Action matters not words. Where is your real assistance for Ukraine? @MFA_Ukraine Where is your policy to stop Russian aggression?
In the same way you regret the WWII. But where is your real compensation for Poland @Bundeskanzler
RT @bmj_bund: We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contr…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WaszczykowskiW/status/1597721017794715649
„Germany’s contribution to the outbreak of war”
RT @bmj_bund: We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contribution to the outbreak of war, said Federal Minister of Justice @MarcoBuschmann at #G7Justice.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JSaryuszWolski/status/1597714326424813568
RT @bmj_bund@twitter.com
We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contribution to the outbreak of war, said Federal Minister of Justice @MarcoBuschmann@twitter.com at #G7Justice.
RT @bmj_bund@twitter.com
We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contribution to the outbreak of war, said Federal Minister of Justice @MarcoBuschmann@twitter.com at #G7Justice.
Well, not *just* from today's perspective. But, yes, also from today's perspective.
RT @bmj_bund@twitter.com
We stand united by the side of 🇺🇦. But we also must say clearly: In response to the annexation of Crimea, the adherence to #Northstream2 was, from today's perspective, Germany's contribution to the outbreak of war, said Federal Minister of Justice @MarcoBuschmann@twitter.com at #G7Justice.
Interessantes Interview/Stellungnahme zu #Northstream2 Explosionen. Wichtig! Das gibt es schon länger! War bloß nicht von Interesse ...
🇬🇧|The #G7 want to help #Ukraine restore critical infrastructure. Nobody talks about the destroyed #Northstream2 #pipeline anymore. Who's going to fix it? Boomerang #sanctions weigh heavily on #Germany and #EU. #ID https://www.n-tv.de/politik/12-17-G7-wollen-Ukraine-bei-Reparatur-und-Schutz-kritischer-Infrastruktur-helfen--article23143824.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1588547365832724486
#G7 #Ukraine #northstream2 #pipeline #sanctions #Germany #EU #ID
@tagesschau Höchst gefährlich. Erst #northstream2 dann die Blockade bei den Waffenlieferungen und nun das. Wem gilt ihre Loyalität Hr. #scholz . Die Frage ist, wie wir als Zivilgesellschaft vorgehen, damit unser Kanzler den Ausverkauf nicht weiter vorantreibt.
Am Geilsten ist ja eigentlich, dass die ganzen Wutbürger und MerkelHasser 😖 hier in einer Frage ganz große MerkelFans 🤗 sind: Bei #NorthStream2 und der Abhängigkeit von Putin und russischem Gas.