🧵 6/ Picking up from a previous post, I recommend everyone who publishes web content as their research output has it actively web archived. You can either do this by yourself using the @internetarchive . If you are in Norway and your website is either on a .no domain or has Norwegian or Norway-related content, you can contact the nb.no/samlingen/nettarkivet/ at the Norwegian National Library and have them archive your website.

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #waybackmachine #norwegianwebarchive

Last updated 1 year ago

NordicBaltic DH Community · @dhnb
24 followers · 9 posts · Server fedihum.org

In Oslo during the conference? We have an on-site on March 6, 2023, 9 to 12 CET where you can work hands-on with the ! Info on content, prerequisites and registration on the University of Oslo's Digital Scholarship Center website ub.uio.no/english/courses-even

#DHNB2023 #workshop #norwegianwebarchive

Last updated 2 years ago